• Breaking News

    Monday, December 16, 2019

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - December 16, 2019

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - December 16, 2019

    Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - December 16, 2019

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 01:05 AM PST

    From the rule in the sidebar:

    Feel free to post news about new official merchandise whenever you like but for unofficial goods, or photos of your personal collection, please post them on Merchandise Mondays.

    The sub gets filled with people taking photos of their collections, their amiibos, their copy of [insert game here] as well as people wanting to sell you stuff. So we limit it to Monday's so it doesn't over take the sub.

    Brand new official merchandise announcements are allowed any day of the week, just unofficial merch or photos of your own merch is limited to today!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [BOTW] I just finished BOTW and I have just one bone to pick.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 04:00 PM PST

    It would be nice if the game would save after you defeat Dark Beast Gannon and you could explore the liberated Hyrule Castle, get some nice loot (maybe get to keep the Bow of Light?) and go about finishing any unfinished quests. Its a little unsatisfying to beat the game and then not get to review "Destroy Ganon" as a completed quest in your quest log. Instead it just rolls credits, drops you off at the Title Screen, and then you can go to your last save -- before you defeated Ganon. I kind of get why they do that, and its not like defeating Ganon is very hard, it was surprisingly easy actually. The way Nintendo designed the end game is just a little unsatisfying to me. It would be cool to be able revisit the Divine Beasts after Ganon is defeated since they would no longer be dangerous to approach.

    I realize designing the game this way may come with some paradoxes, like would it make sense for enemies to respawn with the blood moon. But to me it wouldn't be such a big deal.

    Edit: I realized after the fact I should have started with how amazing this game is and how much I love it! I was just a little sad with how it ended, but overall give the game 9.5/10!

    submitted by /u/jaycuboss
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    [BOTW] is better than [OOT]

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:32 PM PST

    Let me first say, both of these games are my absolute favorite games of all time, but I feel people don't take off there nastalgia glasses when comparing anything to OoT. Now, OoT is an absolute classic. Amazing characters, breathtaking story and great dungeons and side quests. But, I feel BoTW did all of these things better. The vast amount of side quests, with a crazy array of stuff to do. The story is more in depth and interactive, and the characters are more developed and make sense within the story. The dungeons, although easier, we're more rewarding in the end when you got the champions ability, and knowing you were one stop closer to the final battle. I won't talk about gameplay because OoT is way older than BoTW, but in terms of storyline, and the amount of in depth lore, and side quests make BoTW so much better. I also want to say, I'm looking at these games for there time. Comparing a game that's nearly two decades older than the other is just unfair.

    submitted by /u/durf917
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    A sudden Realization [BOTW]

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:17 PM PST

    So I was just lying in bed thinking about what it would be like if I got transported into another world and became an overpowered character like link, and I thought about the master sword. When the master sword is around Gannon's malice it glows blue and when Link's health is full it can shoot a blue beam. Has anyone ever thought about what that beam looks like when it makes contact with its target? I think it looks damn similar to the same thing we see when getting a new map piece or unlocking the runes on the Sheika slate. Now think about this, Sheika Technology all typically glows blue just like the master sword. However, when this technology is corrupted by Gannon it turns pinkish red. If you haven't figured it out already, what I'm getting at is that the Sheika very well may have found a way to use the energy that Fi creates with her residence within The master sword to power their technology. That could potentially be why when Gannon takes over everything turns pink. The energy the Fi creates is no longer present in the technology, thus rendering it useless to the Sheika control. It would also explain why being submerged in that blue fluid for 100 years healed link and subsequentially repaired the master sword, which reflects its users condition. What do you all think? Does it sound feasible? Or is my theory just dust in the wind?

    submitted by /u/Meanwolf99
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    [ALTTP] Link to the Past Map recreation

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 01:19 AM PST

    I am quite sure that a super skilled artist made a 3d recreation of ALTTP map in 3d Studio Max and that it was freely downloadable.
    It should have been around 3/4 years ago, and for sure the map was in .max format (because I could not open it given i did not have it at the time)

    I cannot find it on the interweb anymore, does this ring a bell? is it still online?

    submitted by /u/LeaningT
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    [WW] Weird Wind Waker dream I had: The Wind Waker Expansion.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:19 PM PST

    I love Zelda, it's probably my favorite game series next to Monster Hunter, and because of that, I dream a lot about it. These dreams can consist of me trying to beat a specific part to starting up new games. These dreams all come in bits-and-pieces, so I compiled them into one non-existent game, the Wind Waker Expansion. Think of it as a Disk 2 of Wind Waker that doesn't exist.

    I always dream about Wind Waker, because it was the first Zelda game I really loved. Because of that, I always wanted more, even though there's plenty to do in that game. In this dream, there's a new row of islands at the top, and the middle segments in that row were all the entrance to a much bigger island, almost like a whole country. The beginning started with a large field of flowers, and beyond that, a cave leading to the rest of the new mega island. When I came out of the cave, I was in a whole new world with a brand new set of islands, ships, and dungeons.

    The first island I went on was like an alternate version of Outset Island. There was a hut built on top of an outpost, and that was supposed to be a home for Link. When I went in, there was a metal safe with cold air seeping out of it. I opened the safe and saw an area filled with ice and snow.

    I had Link crawl into the safe, and I wandered around the level. There were some puzzles, a minigame to play involving rolling snowballs down a hill, and there was a boss at the end. This is where it gets weird, because the boss was a Stygian Zinogre from the Monster Hunter series. I had this dream when I played a lot of Monster Hunter, but hadn't played Wind Waker in years.

    Another part of this expansion had an incredibly tall island, kind of like if the beginning part of Dragon Roost Island was made into an entire large area. I went to the very top of the island on a cliff, and there was a sign telling me to jump off. So I did, and right before Link landed in the water, a portal opened and Link fell in it. This portal led me to a mini-dungeon, where I had an oxygen meter ticking down the entire time, and I had to solve puzzles and fight enemies with the Iron Boots on. I ended up running out of oxygen and I started back on the bottom-most part of the island.

    The smaller islands in this expansion were pretty average, but I had to go to a lot of them to progress the story. There was a wrecked ship with a group of Poe Sisters I needed to talk to, and a few extra caves.

    One part of the expansion had me go to a massive island that consisted of a desert plagued by a sandstorm, and I had to go into a cave there to get an item. There was a giant golden Scorpion-man wandering around the sandstorm, and I had to go to the cave without it seeing me, because it would shoot lasers out of its eyes and instantly kill me. The cave was like a crypt full of sarcophagi, and out of those came Redeads and Stalfos. The boss was a large conjoined-twin Stalfos, and it weilded a giant scimitar in one hand and a hammer in the other.

    Another island consisted of nothing but a small bit of land with a portal in the middle. It was a flat, diamond-shaped golden gate, and the portal itself was blue. I stepped in and was in a tower-like dungeon where I had to go more and more downwards to get to the bottom and find a giant blue eye, which I needed to progress. There was a lot of empty space that Link would just fall in if I walked off the edge, and I had to walk on long, thin beams. There was a colossal Darknut in the center, and I had to do all of this without alerting it.

    The final part of the game was the weirdest. After doing all of the necessary stuff to beat the Wind Waker Expansion, I went back to the cave I came in from, but when I went there, I was transported to a plaza outside of a big temple, and the final boss was there. It was a giant white Chinese Dragon with a golden mane and a gold crest. This was supposed to be a Holy Ganon of sorts, which makes no sense at all. I had to shoot Light Arrows at it to get it to fall down, then I could hit it with my sword as it walked around. And then the expansion just ended.

    TL;DR- I had a dream that there was an expansion to Wind Waker, that consisted of a brand new world filled with new dungeons, an extended story, and had several very large islands that took up multiple spaces.

    In short, I love my gaming dreams, and I get a lot of ideas for games from these dreams. Do you guys have dreams like this, and what did you think of mine?

    submitted by /u/0m4r_Dewd
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    [TP] Best version of Twilight Princess?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:45 PM PST

    I'm wanting to get Twilight Princess, but I'm not really sure which one is the best version to get. Research is telling me this:

    • GAMECUBE - standard version, mainly requires aiming arrows with an analog stick
    • WII - flipped, uses pointer aiming for arrows
    • WII U - highest resolution, not flipped, but has control issues (swimming, Epona, etc.)
    submitted by /u/N64Chad
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    [BotW] What I’d change going forwards- if I could do anything

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:25 PM PST

    -Instead of the current weapon durability system, have a pokemon-like system. Every weapon you collect is sent to limbo, but you can only carry a limited number on you at any one time. All weapons have limited charge, and must be refreshed by either picking up a new copy of the weapon or paying money at a town to be used again. Collecting duplicate weapons upgrades them, giving them a slight positive modifier when used (long throw, damage up, charge length up, etc). This gives makes every weapon you pick up worth something, and prevents the common issue of spending two good weapons on an enemy camp to get one worse weapon.

    Keep the korok seed system, but add a lot more types so they don't grow as repetitive as quickly.

    Also, make Hestu or his equivalent required so you can't just not know he exists for dozens of hours like I did.

    Make the Korok Mask in the base game

    Also, don't make it a mask- it's so valuable compared to all the others you can't ever really change it. Just have it be like a reverse Shiekah Sensor, that points you in the direction of the nearest one until you get too close when it becomes staticky.

    -Allow you to go underwater

    -Higher enemy variety

    -A postgame that exists

    -A story that takes place during the game instead of a split-up prequel movie

    -Weather control

    -Interactable terrain

    -More dungeon theming variety

    -Normal arrows are no longer a consumable resource, but all other arrow types are

    -More elemental effects

    -More non-damage combat options (think stun, pull towards you, etc)

    -Enemies that you can use magnesis on

    -An actual reason for why you stop moving at world end

    -More nautical abilities

    -Boat oar can be used as an oar

    -More basic weapon types

    -Can no longer eat food in combat, but can drink non-hearty elixirs

    -More distinct visual landmarks

    -Customizable HUD

    -Sensors for shrines in caves and etc point to the entrance of the cave, not the shrine itself

    -Different hairstyles

    -More non-hylian outposts

    -Better music

    -Travel medallion in base game

    -Can max out hearts/stamina

    -More effects like One-Hit Obliterator draining health

    And I think that's it! Any thoughts on what I should have added or what I shouldn't have?

    submitted by /u/Notchmath
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    [BoTW] If I was to buy the DLC, would it only link to one account or all accounts on the switch?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 10:41 AM PST

    Want to do this as my sister has expressed how she may want to buy it.

    submitted by /u/Great_Aether0203
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    [TP] Assistance With Finding a Specific Design For a Tattoo Regarding Imp Midna

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:43 PM PST

    I've been a huge fan of the Zelda series for as long as I can remember, but my all time favorite has to be Twilight Princess. I've gotten a tattoo of Midna's Fused Shadow piece on my upper arm already, but I was thinking of going all out now and getting a full sleeve on my untattooed arm. The first thing that popped into my head was the markings on Imp Midna's arms, and that's been stuck in my mind for a good while now. The problem is, everywhere I've looked, I can't find any decent images of these designs. My question is, is there anyone here that might help me find the designs? I'm looking for the original designs from Twilight Princess, as I've looked over the Hyrule Warriors model and have noticed some differences between the two. And thank you in advance to anyone who can help me out!

    submitted by /u/ParadoxPlaysGames
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    [BoTW] girlfriend's first time playing a Zelda game

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:44 PM PST

    Hey guys! So I recently got a switch and my girlfriend wants to play Zelda FOR THE FIRST TIME. She hasn't been much into video games but she was really curious about at least trying it. I hope it goes well! She will be streaming it so drop by and watch! It's gonna be a pretty chill and basic so no pressure.

    She's gonna start in a few minutes so try to drop by!


    submitted by /u/ChocPineapple
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