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    Monday, December 9, 2019

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - December 09, 2019

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - December 09, 2019

    Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - December 09, 2019

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:05 AM PST

    From the rule in the sidebar:

    Feel free to post news about new official merchandise whenever you like but for unofficial goods, or photos of your personal collection, please post them on Merchandise Mondays.

    The sub gets filled with people taking photos of their collections, their amiibos, their copy of [insert game here] as well as people wanting to sell you stuff. So we limit it to Monday's so it doesn't over take the sub.

    Brand new official merchandise announcements are allowed any day of the week, just unofficial merch or photos of your own merch is limited to today!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [MM] My attempt at Majora's mask wallpaper. I'm just starting to learn digital art, so please take it easy with criticism.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:00 AM PST

    [OoT] Link, sketch

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:50 AM PST

    [LAHD] Link's Awakening is a fantastic Zelda game

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:48 AM PST

    I finally sat down and grinded out the rest of the dungeons on the Switch, and just beat it. As a huge Zelda fan, this remake only reminded me what I love about the series. The "Classic Zelda" dungeons and puzzles, along with the charm of the world and characters. I'm really glad I bought this game, as I was initially un-wowed by the announcement trailer, since I played this game a lot on the GBC. I highly recommend it for anyone new to the series or looking for a new Zelda to try

    submitted by /u/linkwins
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    What if.....[BoTW2]

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:23 PM PST

    What if in the Breath of the Wild sequel, Link and Zelda get separated. Link does most of his travels in Hyrule, uncovering Ganondorf's past and the mysterious disappearance of the Zonai and Zelda travels to the underworld, uncovering Hyrules darkest secrets between the Royal Family and the Shiekah? The two complete the story together as they go and can unite during certain points for dungeons. Then, in the end the two come together. Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/starlightblaze
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    [TP] HD remake to have cows instead of goats

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:02 AM PST

    Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time Great Fairy Queen. I redesign her fully �� [OoT]

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:27 AM PST

    [BotW] Breath of the Wild sold just under 1M from June to Sept and hit 16M copies

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:14 AM PST

    I thought it would take the next quarter to hit that mark! The plume just keeps rising! No surprise, BotW is a masterpiece!

    Here's to a bright future in the Zelda franchise!!

    submitted by /u/DB_Digimon443
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    [Other] Something I’d like to see in a future Zelda game

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:10 PM PST

    You're tasked with collecting the three triforce pieces. You don't need them to beat the game, but they give you true ending.

    To get the Power piece, that's simplest, simply wrest control of Hyrule back from Ganon- by defeating him you prove your power. This is thus the only required piece, and the last one.

    To get the courage piece, you must go through a challenging sequence of fights and puzzles, and then you are offered a choice. You are told that you may either leave now and collect some rewards, or delve deeper to collect larger rewards- however, if you delve deeper and die, you will receive nothing at all. In reality, however, there are no fights if you delve deeper, and you receive your rewards as well as the Triforce of Courage. This task tests not only Link's courage, but the player's- and as the player is playing a game, there usually aren't enough stakes to do that.

    To get the wisdom piece, you go through a puzzle dungeon type area and are presented at the end with a choice. You may receive double damage given AND half damage taken, or you can choose the Triforce of Wisdom. It is made clear that the Triforce will have no effect on your gameplay and does nothing without the other two. If you choose the Triforce of Wisdom, you get nothing- you are told that your goal was to dethrone the despot king Ganon, and the Triforce of Wisdom cannot help you do that. The Triforce is only awarded to one who displays their wisdom- in this case, by selecting the actually helpful damage-altering rewards, where you get the Triforce as well.

    By doing this, you aren't just hitting story beats or testing Link's mastery of the qualities- you are testing the player's mastery of the qualities, which is much more fulfilling.

    submitted by /u/Notchmath
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    [OoT] The definitive version of Ocarina of time?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:55 PM PST

    I was looking at the different versions of Ocarina of Time, and I wanted to see which one would technically count as the best one. There is a LOT of subjectivity here, but I do want to explain my personal reasons for the aspects of each version that I mention.

    The short answer right off the bat, is that I think the definitive version of Ocarina of Time, can either be the 1.1 version of the Nintendo 64 game, or the 3DS remaster. Now to make it longer.

    The easiest first step, would be to compare the different versions of Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64 itself. There's two updates, each one fixing bugs and/or altering certain things about it. Version 1.0 is the original, but version 1.1 fixes a ton of issues, like the item swapping and the swordless Link. Version 1.1 is superior to version 1.0, and even has gold cartridges in print.

    Version 1.2, the main thing about it, is that it alters the Fire Temple chant and Ganon's red blood (the blood in general was changed from red to green). It all depends on how you feel about either of those things, but the game was originally developed with the red blood and Fire Temple chant in mind, and it personally adds more for me, to have the initial blood color and chanting within it. Personally, I prefer the 1.1 version. (Bonus: I believe all 1.2 versions of the game are gray. 1.1 still has gold cartridges out there, if that's your thing.)

    Then there's the GameCube version, which I haven't really played, but I believe I can deduce the experience based on what I've seen.

    The GameCube version is essentially the 1.2 version, but it alters a few more things in the Gerudo portion of the game, and it essentially "emulates" the game at a higher resolution. The thing when it comes to both the Virtual Console versions, and the GameCube button, is that the right analog stick is what's being used in place of the original C buttons. I've played the Virtual Console version, and let me tell you that playing the Ocarina on an analog stick feels like a nightmare, and pressing the stick in one of the four directions to shoot arrows and whatnot, it doesn't feel good at all, and it feels like a compromise. The Nintendo 64 version wins out in the control scheme in that regard, because the buttons work way more organically.

    The GameCube version does introduce the new Master Quest option, which is essentially the new "Hard Mode" of the game. I like the idea of having an additional mode to pick from, and it does keep in line with the idea from the first Zelda game, where you have a second quest after the first. I have no issue with its inclusion at all, but I wouldn't say it's a detriment to the original Nintendo 64 version for not being within it, ESPECIALLY because of the next port I'm wanting to discuss... the 3DS remake.

    I see this game as more of a remake. The hardware limitations of the Nintendo 64 kept the game at about 20 FPS, had flat 2D planes with textures used as geometry (like the Temple of Time outside, or the hills in Hyrule Field), and so on and so forth. One of the things I really love about the 3DS remake, is that it enhances Link's model, makes the worlds feel more vibrant, adds in a lot of additional content (EVEN the Master Quest from the GameCube version), gives gyro aiming, and so on and so forth. It's definitely a worthy remake, and while I almost want to say that it's THE definitive version of the game... it's not perfect.

    For me personally, while the Nintendo 64 has a lot of graphical limitations, I'd be willing to say that those limitations made the atmosphere just feel way more memorable and whatnot. The 3DS version feels a bit too bright at times, and they altered the game to feel more "cartoon-y" in areas than the original game. Don't get me wrong, I do feel the graphical enhancements most of the time can contribute to smoother gameplay and whatnot, but I feel the atmosphere was lost a bit in translation, depending on how much you value that kind of thing. I wouldn't say it's a detriment or anything like that, but I will say that the Nintendo 64 version just feels better in tone for me specifically.

    The controls were altered too, and one of the biggest things that comes to mind, was that the Iron Boots was no longer needed to be accessed through means of pausing and unpausing constantly. This, I like. The Ocarina now no longer needs to be constantly equipped either. I do like the accessibility changes, but I'll admit that I'm REALLY not a fan of physically needing to touch the screen in order to use the Ocarina. I feel the touch screen was mainly created for the stylus in mind, and I think a lot of players are just gonna find it easier to tap it with their finger, which I don't think is always responsive, especially not like a button.

    Another thing I do want to bring up, is the general controls itself. I'll confess, I personally HATE the 3DS' circle pad, and strongly prefer the analog stick on the Nintendo 64 just because of how much more responsive it is. The 3DS circle pad just never felt good for me, but you might feel different, and I thought maybe it would be worth mentioning. Also, the Ocarina usage is back to the traditional buttons once again, and I like that, though I do feel the button placement on the Nintendo 64 feels better because of how it flows (but it's really not too big of a game changer, just something that I wanted to mention because I can be really picky with this stuff).

    To summarize...

    I feel like, if you're just wanting to have a great Ocarina of Time experience from the get-go, with a lot of great content to look for, and stuff like the initial tone and atmosphere isn't really that important, as well as being able to play on the go with gyro controls to aim, then definitely the 3DS version might be the best option available. However, the game was designed with the Nintendo 64 in mind, so if you're looking for a pure, raw, unfiltered Ocarina of Time experience... the 1.1 version is the way to go.

    This is all subjective, but I just wanted to give my three cents on the matter.

    submitted by /u/N64Chad
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    [BotW] A good book for a young fan?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:54 PM PST

    I've been looking on Amazon and didn't realize there would be so many Zelda books! My 6 year old nephew fell in love with BotW last year and I was hoping to get him a book to go along with it, since he's reading well now. Not necessarily a guide book, just something with relevant pictures and information he would enjoy. Would Piggyback's BotW guide or Creating a Champion be something a 6 year old would like flipping through?

    submitted by /u/thunderclasp
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    [BoTW2] Theory: Will you play as Zelda in BoTW 2?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:19 PM PST

    Hello! As you can tell by the title, I believe that there is a high chance that you will play as Princess Zelda herself in Breath of the Wild 2.

    The first reason I have for this is that Nintendo might be trying to be more feministic, and appealing to women by giving to game a female protagonist. We have seen a lot of recent franchises of movies and games have female protagonists in recent years.

    The second reason I have comes from the end of Breath of the Wild, where Zelda tells Link that her powers that can defeat Ganon have diminished, which would give the players reason to start with stuff like lower hearts and stamina as it makes sense that Zelda would not have this, and it would be a little weird if we ended BoTW 1 with Link as a powerhouse, and started the next game with him back to square 1. If you played as Zelda it would make more sense for her to be at that level.

    Zelda also being trapped in Hyrule Castle for pretty much all of BoTW 1 give Zelda a reason to explore Hyrule as Link did in the first game.

    My final reason comes from the Breath of the Wild 2 reveal trailer. In the trailer, we see Link and Zelda explore what seems to be a dungeon under Hyrule Castle(or at least that is would I though). When they find what might be Ganondorf's body, Link seems do grab the body or do something with it.

    In the trailer, there are also some speaking voices in reverse. If you reverse the audio and slow it down, it sounds like: "Poor Hyrule, for Link has found the body." And then at the end: "Poor Hyrule, for Link is gone." To me, this suggests that Link has been trapped, and you will play as Zelda to save him.

    Anyway, that is my theory. Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/WooHoo_Yay
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    [Botw] thank you nintendo

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:24 AM PST

    For providing the option to use the superior Japanese VA on Zelda BOTW. Yall r truly saints

    submitted by /u/NAK4MA-PSY
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    [ALL] Question aboot Zelda Lore

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:11 PM PST

    In the hero defeated timeline, who is Link? And in other timelines, "Hero of Twilight" "Hero of Trains" Are all the Links the same? I've only played the Beginning of OoT 3ds

    submitted by /u/Mr_Mudkip_420
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    [OC][OoT] Song of Storms, From Calm to Epic (Orchestral Cover)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:23 AM PST

    Hello, Here is my arrangement of the Song of Storms theme. One of my favourite of the series. Hope you like it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iii9PHjpa7Q It starts as calm piano/cello duet, and ends with a more epic orchestration.

    submitted by /u/leoniscaeli
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    [TP] Is there no GOOD TP Link outfit for sale on the Internet?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:50 PM PST

    So a couple days ago I had this urge to dress up like Link and just walk around with friends. No intention of going to conventions, or any type of cosplay event, I just wanted a nice, (pretty) high quality twilight princess Link costume to chill in yknow? But after like a week of searching, I can't find a single good one for sale. Not even one that's like 1,000 dollars, I literally couldn't find one that's not some cheap Walmart Halloween costume. If anyone can direct me to one, or link me to one, that would be awesome. If sizing matters for some reason,I'm skinny, 6"1, and male.

    submitted by /u/Shyferr
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