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    Monday, January 20, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - January 20, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - January 20, 2020

    Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - January 20, 2020

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:05 AM PST

    From the rule in the sidebar:

    Feel free to post news about new official merchandise whenever you like but for unofficial goods, or photos of your personal collection, please post them on Merchandise Mondays.

    The sub gets filled with people taking photos of their collections, their amiibos, their copy of [insert game here] as well as people wanting to sell you stuff. So we limit it to Monday's so it doesn't over take the sub.

    Brand new official merchandise announcements are allowed any day of the week, just unofficial merch or photos of your own merch is limited to today!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Zelda traditions? [All]

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:36 PM PST

    I, as of 20 minutes ago am about to embark on my yearly quest through OoT. Been doing one playthrough a year of it since 2011. I have a deep love for this game and it holds a lot of good memories for me. I started doing this January '11 when there was a huge blizzard in my city that had us snowed in for three days almost. I sat in my room and just played this into the ground. Have done it every year since and it never gets old.

    Anyone have similar stories/traditions?

    submitted by /u/MilkmanCrackhead
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    [BotW] Unpopular theory: Zelda won’t be a playable character in the sequel

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:10 PM PST

    Before I get downvoted to heck and back, I want to start this by saying I want Nintendo to give us a female playable character. Just in a way that's true to the series

    The reason I think this is because of how Nintendo designs Link as a character.

    Nintendo wants players to feel like they're going on a great adventure whenever playing a Zelda game, so they design link in a way that lets everyone see themselves in the character. Specifically in games like Twilight princess, Skyward sword, and Breath of the Wild, when link is depicted as an adult, he's given both masculine and feminine qualities, so everyone can see themselves in the character. Link remains mute, so that his voice doesn't make him seem more masculine or more feminine, it lets him stay neutral. This character design is what makes Zelda unique. In Witcher, you play as Geralt interacting with his world. In the Arkham series, you play as Batman. But in Zelda, you play as yourself. You are the one going on the adventure. BotW furthers this with its use of open world.

    Now how does this affect Zelda as a playable character?

    Zelda wasn't designed to be playable. I don't mean that to be negative, but she doesn't follow the same design that Nintendo has made an effort to implement in each game. In BotW she was created to be a supporting character to you, the player.

    This isn't to say that Zelda is gonna be a damsel in distress again. I believe that she's going to play a much larger part in the narrative of the next game than just 'Lets go rescue a princess after I find 900 more piles of poo given to me by the children of the forest'. I think she'll be similar to Elizabeth during Bioshock Infinite, except more helpful.

    Now, with that said, I do think that a playable female character, whether it's Zelda or Linkle or another character altogether, will be in the future, in whatever story Nintendo tells after BotW and it's sequel.. But Nintendo needs to take the time and develop the character the way they like to, so it feels natural for both the series and the developer. Otherwise, playing as a version of Zelda will feel more like a cut away to someone else's adventure, not your own.

    submitted by /u/WhutDoesItMean
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    [WW] [OC] Link and Tetra cruisin'

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:56 AM PST

    [ALBW] Would you recommend playing both A Link to the Past and A Link Between Worlds?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:26 AM PST

    I got ALBW a few months back, but I haven't gotten around to starting it yet. However, the Switch's online service recently added SNES games including ALttP to the playable lineup, so now I'm wondering if I should play through ALttP before starting ALBW. Are the two games different enough to warrant playing both? I will be playing ALBW regardless of the answer to this question (since I've already paid for it).

    submitted by /u/Hwlooahdfsjl
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    [OoT] Dance Monkey/Gerudo Valley MASHUP on piano by Lara6683

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:06 AM PST

    [BoTW2] Unpopular Opinion: I dont like the thought of a playable Zelda

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:48 AM PST

    So let me explain myself. I actually dont really like the thought of Zelda being playable, I dont even know why, but it's just the way it is. I dont even like the thought of Zelda following Link around the whole time. Maybe its because of some of those Missions in some Videogames, where you have to protect a character and if the person dies or gets hurt, the whole mission is failed. If you're unlucky its a mission you have to do if you want to progress in the game.

    Let me know, what are your thoughts about this? Do you think Zelda will be playable, or will she maybe just stick around Link for the time of the adventure? I'm tuned to see your thoughts about it.

    submitted by /u/yureku_the_potato
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    [ALTTP] Priest will remember this.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:27 PM PST

    Anyone else notice how after rescuing Zelda, the priest warns you to hide from guards, but then 5 minutes later, Link just struts into Kakariko and bombs a milk bar, steals money from random houses, and takes a net from a sick child.

    submitted by /u/LanTCM
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    [BoTW] How to start a fire?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:33 PM PST

    I put wood down with a flint and strike it with a sword. Doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/forgotpassword101191
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    [BOTW] Divine Beasts

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:18 PM PST

    What is the best order to complete each divine beast

    submitted by /u/Intendoent
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    [SS] Just Finished the Lanayru Area

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:36 AM PST

    My brain feels like it has turned into oatmeal. That was a big brain area. That was basically just one giant puzzle. They weren't super hard, just took a while. I'm not complaining, but damn that took up a good chunk of time. Good thing I drank coffee before hand. I basically flew through instead of getting stumped after 30 seconds. I felt like I was in COD Zombies trying to turn on the power so I could get the "wonder weapon" in the mines. Except instead of 5 min it was more like 4 hours. The ending cutscene to the area was great so definitely worth it.

    I'm really liking this game so far. Amazing soundtrack and the puzzles are fun. Not a huge fan of the combat but once ya get used to it it's kinda easy. The combat for the boss fights is pretty cool though. I feel like that's where the combat shines even tho it's not really a highlight of the game

    submitted by /u/HashiramaBigWood
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    Timeline Loop? [SS][BOTW2]

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:00 AM PST

    Skyward sword involves islands floating in the air that serves as links home, but in BOTW2 hyrule castle is lifted to the sky almost the same way, I think this could be a plot to loop the timeline, and it's pretty interesting.

    submitted by /u/andrewspawn
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    [OOT] An outsider's perspective of the Water Temple.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:21 AM PST

    I have just started to play every mainline game in The Legend of Zelda series. The only other game I have beaten so far is Alttp on my SNES mini. I am really playing them in a random order to get an overall feel for the games. After all that backstory, I was playing OOT dreading the water temple I have heard alot about from my friends and online. I thought it was going to be some nightmare of hard and confusing mechanics. I was completly amazed by the time I completed it. You walk in to this huge room whith no idea on where to go. I usually just pick a random direction first and explore. I just got lost in the amazing design of this dungeon. The designs must have been fucking geniuses to come up with this and make it hard to cheese. I thought the Forest Temple was meh and the fire temple just pissed me off with some rooms. This temple is perfectly digestible to me. Of course the boots are annoying and the room before the boss is BS but I like everthing else. The best part is when finally get to the long shot in a beautiful masterpiece of a room with a black version of yourself you fight. I didn't know anything that beautiful and rewarding could be possible from a game made like 2 decades ago. I loved Alttp but the moment I striked the boss and killed made this game the better game for me.

    submitted by /u/zhoncinema
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    Which Villains Should Make a Comeback [ALL]

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 10:39 AM PST


    submitted by /u/ks1246
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    [SS] [TP] Newest system that can play both?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:20 PM PST

    Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess?

    submitted by /u/tylerdurden_09
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    [BotW] Been playing with my dad, and we really need a few questions answered...

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:09 PM PST

    So I've been playing BotW with my dad and I have a few questions...

    First off, this isn't really my first Zelda game, but I've barely played windwaker and TP, so it basically is my first... We both absolutely love the game and are about halfway through. The problem is, we don't know if after the beauty of BotW any other Zelda game will even compare to breath. What Zelda game - or game at all should we play afterward so that we can enjoy it compared to this.. second off, should we buy the dlc's afterward and do a master mode playthrough? Is that worth it or not? Please I'm loving playing with my dad and definitely hoping that we can have another great experience after this amazing time we've had together.

    submitted by /u/Elucidate137
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    [Botw] bil jumping

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:40 PM PST

    Iv been trying to master the btb jump it's hard really hard idk what I'm doing wrong is there any tips u guys can give

    submitted by /u/compasark
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    [OTHER] Hey, Guys I Made A Link Montage on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:01 AM PST


    I Really Hope You Guys Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/Blushotzz
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    [TP] Change my mind

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 03:21 PM PST

    After playing almost every zelda game, I have various reasons to rate TP as very near the bottom of the zelda games. But it's a lot of people's favorite and it was the best selling zelda game before BOTW, so I'm in the minority. I want to give TP the benefit of the doubt, so here's what I will do. I'm gonna list my problems with the game as fairly and respectfully as I can, and I would like you guys to be equally as fair and respectful in trying to change my mind. I doubt anything said will make me suddenly like the game more, but hopefully I will understand why it is so loved over the other games. This is already long, so wall of text warning I guess. One thing though, I will not change my mind about the insanely slow opening. That's the one problem I will not forgive.

    First is the game's story. Honestly, it wasn't until I beat arbiter's ground until I even understood at all what the story was. And then when I did get it, I didn't like it and I have zero investment. Honestly this might weakest story of the 3D games for me. The only parts of the game I felt any investment in honestly was anything involving Colin and Ilia, becuase I honestly really like those characters. Midna just as a character I love ofcourse but that leads into my second problem.

    TP is a Midna game. I'm sorry, but both Zelda and Link have nothing to do with what happens. Every story beat is all about Midna, from beginning to end. If I was actually playing as Midna this would be awsome but I always felt like, " ok, how am I helping Midna now?" Not like this game is the story of how I'm the hero or saving Zelda or anything like that. Again, I love Midna as a character but this isn't called the Legend of Midna, so I just feel like Link has no agency at all so this hinders any emotional investment I can have in the game.

    Third issue I have is Linearity. Ok I know this is a controversial opinion, but honestly this is by far the most linear zelda game ever, far more than SS. And yes while SS is linear, TP is so much more so that it's the only zelda game where that really bothers me. Here's an example. Relatively early in the game I am told I have to go to the bar. Ok, but I wanted to do some other thing first at Kakariko Village. But I couldn't get back there. I tried every route that had previously been open but suddenly there were these barriers everywhere that I couldn't get past. In the other games once you've been able to go to an area of the map you could always go there. Here the story was gating to world in such a forced way, and I didn't even realize that that's what was happening until I finally went to the bar. It's just completely unnecessary game design that doesn't really exist in the other games outside of serous story events, and simply going to a bar isn't that.

    Fourth issue is the dungeons. Ok This I know is much more of a personal issue, but for the most part they are simply too long. I never thought I would say that about a zelda dungeon but everything after the mines is just such an energy drain for me becuase they take forever. This actually discourages me from playing.

    5th problem is the characters, Link included. Outside of Colin, Ilia, Midna, Uli, and Agitha, I didn't care about anyone at all and honestly that classic zelda kooky charm was simply missing from everyone else. Link especially felt like such a non character with even less of a personality then in OOT. How is that possible? Also his movements felt very stiff, Like I often got stuck in doorways becuase it felt like Link wasn't moving as smoothly as the other games.

    These are my main problems with TP. There are good things I enjoy with this game, don't get me wrong. Aside from their length the dungeons are really great. I personally think the graphics and art direction are very beautiful and Hyrule's scale is amazing. The combat is maybe the best in the series, and aside from a couple most of the items are fantastic throughout the game. Please understand I want to be wrong about all of the reasons I don't particularly enjoy this game, I'm not here to moan, just please help me understand why everyone adores this so much.

    submitted by /u/Mikecirca81
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