• Breaking News

    Monday, January 27, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - January 27, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - January 27, 2020

    Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - January 27, 2020

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:05 AM PST

    From the rule in the sidebar:

    Feel free to post news about new official merchandise whenever you like but for unofficial goods, or photos of your personal collection, please post them on Merchandise Mondays.

    The sub gets filled with people taking photos of their collections, their amiibos, their copy of [insert game here] as well as people wanting to sell you stuff. So we limit it to Monday's so it doesn't over take the sub.

    Brand new official merchandise announcements are allowed any day of the week, just unofficial merch or photos of your own merch is limited to today!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [OC] Let's create original Zelda dungeons together!

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 03:04 PM PST

    Person A will give the dungeon's name.

    Person B will reply with a description what it looks like.

    Person C will reply with what item is gained from the dungeon and it's puzzle structure.

    Person D will finish it off with the boss and how to defeat it.

    submitted by /u/GatorDragon
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    [OC][OoT] Link fanart I recently drew =)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:23 AM PST

    [LoZ] [OC] Link on the shore

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 10:30 PM PST

    Originally posted this on twitter but thought you guys might like it https://imgur.com/a/4uVrKCB

    submitted by /u/Azur3t
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    [OoT]If a second Ocarina of Time remake was announced for the "Switch 2", how would you make it?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:49 PM PST

    Although Ocarina of Time 3D is by far the definitive version of the game (IMO), the handheld it was made for was so outdated technically to the point I feel the game will need a 'second' remake in the future to make it truly ideal. But if given the opportunity and an unlimited budget to recreate this masterpiece as you saw fit, how would you do it?.

    Would it be the exact same game but given an HD makeover, as CryZENX has done?. Would you completely re-imagine areas?, add new ones?, change the story?. It's an open ended discussion and I'm interested in knowing what your ideal Ocarina of Time remake/re-imagining would be. It's a touchy subject, but this is all conjecture.

    Personally I would harken back to that traditional formula while massively expanding the game. I would add more cutscenes or dialogue sequences to flesh out characters like Saria, and massively expand Hyrule Field in both scope and content. I don't believe Ocarina of Time should ever be made open world as it might as well be an entirely new game at that point, but it'd be a remake that respected the 'type' of gameplay the original had while taking inspiration from newer installments. Think A Link Between Worlds vs A Link to the Past, but on an even bigger scale.

    submitted by /u/heroofthenexus44
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    [SS] what is the probability of Skyward Sword coming to the switch?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 02:45 PM PST

    I'm almost done with ALBW and while the bird's perspective style was a breath of fresh air, I'm ready to go back to the "3D" games and I only have two choices left: Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword. I'll most likely play OoT3D but for SS, I have a Wii U and a Switch. It's a game I don't mind spending money on and I don't want to wait for the next-next console to have it remastered. So how likely do you think they'd make a port and how soon?

    submitted by /u/Pennarello_BonBon
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    [BoTW] Questions

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:03 PM PST

    I have played this game for a few weeks now, but I know there's some things I'm missing, and I wanted to know if anyone of this sub would help me.

    1) Travel medallion: Where is it? Is it DLC? How do you get it? I have too many questions about this one 2) The nintendo Switch Shirt: I remember seeing it a long while ago, but I don't quite remeber where to get it

    Ps: Sorry for being so dumb

    submitted by /u/alejo2502
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    Menu overloading questions [BoTW]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:56 PM PST

    Menu overloading is a fairly known glitch for BoTW but i can barely find info about it, my main question is if it's possible to dupe any no multi-shot bows using the multishot bow menu overloading strat seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW-NVsIAY6o

    submitted by /u/Ora_Ora_Muda
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    Non-linear progression [LoZ] [Zelda I] [Zelda II] [ALttP] [ALBW] [BotW]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:22 AM PST

    BotW is a True Zelda Masterpiece, and it is one game that not only opened up progression but expanded on Zelda's past openness beyond its previous limits. The Zelda team poured every ounce of creative drive into this game, their hearts and souls, blood, sweat, and tears so make a game that broke the boundaries on what a Zelda game should be while also returning to its core features found in the earliest Zelda games. Opening progression up beyond what ALBW achieved was one such boundary. Where Zelda games became increasingly linear, and frankly inadequate gameplay wise, and restrictive - which reached its peak in games like MM, TP, and SS - games like ALBW and BotW sought to not only return to a more non-linear structure where the player can choose more paths on the way to the final goal. I had begun to miss completing Zelda games in a number of orders. It started to get difficult to find different ways to complete a Zelda game once OoT came into the picture.

    Zelda II was my first Zelda game. Looking back on it now, and when revisiting this title, its a disappointment that the nature of Zelda II did not allow it to be very non linear outside of Level 1 being the only one that can be skipped first. There really should have been more optional items in at least some of the dungeons and some required items available outside to open the game up a little more. One thing is for sure, this is an obvious choice for one of Miyamoto's disappointments with the game.

    Nevertheless, I knew no different on my first play. I only knew Super Mario Bros 1 & 3, Shadowgate, and more arcade types of games like Joust or Tetris. Zelda II still felt like a big adventure. You can still explore about half the map without entering a single dungeon. Its not easy, since its hard to see in the caverns of Death Mountain, but the fact that its possible was amazing to me back then and still today. I never liked artificial boundaries in Zelda, and the fewer the better. Zelda II was my first experience with a game with natural boundaries, ones like dark caverns filled with monsters. You can go through them, but its easier if you complete a certain part of the game first, its suggested but not required. This is the type of thing I always look for in a Zelda game.

    Enter Zelda I, my second Zelda game and the first Zelda game I beat. Like Zelda II, there are many things the player can find without entering a single dungeon. But unlike Zelda II, you can explore all but 2 squares on the map; you can go farther. Both games encourage the player to fight monsters. In Zelda II to gain EXP, in Zelda I for rupees to obtain many items available in shops. In Zelda I, the player can have quite a bit of their arsenal on hand before entering level 1; except the player doesn't have to enter level 1, or even level 2 first as possible in Zelda II; the player can beat any of levels 1, 2, 3, or 8 first: That's half the game's dungeons! The unfortunate side to this is that levels 4, 5, 6, & 7 must be done in order of one another. But having half of them open does make for a lot of different ways the game can be beaten. I still remember my first playthrough. I was only 5 and didn't entirely know what I was doing. But I remember beating level 1 first but then going [1-3-8-4-2-5-7-6]. Recently, I got my wife into Zelda by showing her this game first. She watched me beat it and I beat the game [8-3-4-1-5-2-6-7], just because I could lol - My most recent playthrough was [3-8-4-5-7-2-1-6].

    ALttP opened things up a bit more from Zelda II's day, but unfortunately the first four levels must still be done in order. This is one flaw of ALttP that ALBW fixed. But it was always fun for me to beat it in a number of ways. My first playthrough was [1-2-3-4-7-6-8-9-10-5]. After showing my wife ALttP recently, I showed her Zelda II, and then she beat ALttP herself. I played too because I wanted to, but her order when she played was [1-2-3-4-7-6-5-9-8-10]. On my playthrough I looked for different ways I could beat the dark world, and came up with [1-2-3-4-7-9-8-6-10-5].

    ALBW is really interesting. They don't force as many boundaries on the player, though there are still some. It was a work in progress, clearly. My first order was [1-3-2-9-4-8-5-7-6]. My most recent run in the game I did a deliberate reverse of what's suggested lol: [1-3-2-9-8-7-6-5-4].

    For me, the more ways there are to beat a game the more replayability the game itself has. Giving me more ways to complete a Zelda game makes me want to play the game again and tackle it from a different angle or do more things early than I did last time. I haven't replayed MM in forever because of its strict linear nature, only allowing me to visit one area at a time. I already know how the game goes, what to do, and how to do it; it was fun but there isn't much there to offer me a new experience. It'll just be the same experience over again - not much replay value there. TP & SS are in a similar boat. While I have revisited them more recently, it has been years since I've touched either. Like with MM, they were fun but there isn't any new experience offered to me if I were to play them again.

    This is where BotW comes in handy. Not only can I tackle the game in a different order, and not only can I do a plethora of things early in the game before visiting any of the four levels, but I can do most anything [mostly after tutorial plateau] right from the bat. I can play BotW in a variety of different ways, not just progression but just in what I do or where I go in general. I showed my wife TWW after she beat ALttP and after she beat that then I showed her BotW. She is still working on the game weeks later, but now it makes me want to play. Lol - BotW is unique to me in that it almost constantly makes me wanna play it. I mostly fill that void with doing different things in my first BotW file, or I'll mess with some of my other ones. But I also want to start a whole new game and do it differently knowing how many different ways I can do it.

    Its also unique in that it goes beyond "dungeon order." Progression can be done differently many other ways. The jungle is an optional region in the game, absolutely nothing for the main quest resides there. But on my first playthrough, I went south, followed the shoreline but coming inland often to go to something I saw in the distance. And on one of those ventures inland I entered the jungle. It was very early in the game, and it kicked my ass. On another playthrough I came to the jungle much later in the game and it was extremely easy because of the progress I had made. The same goes for Hebra. I had completed maybe half the game on my first playthrough before reaching Hebra, hadn't even been to the rito village yet; so I didn't have the snow outfit. Just the cold shirt that the old man gave me and a flame weapon - no snow boots either. Once again, it kicked my ass. My experience is different with every playthrough of the game. This is what I'd been missing for so long, but its also mixed with things that I never had in Zelda games.

    I'm actually really curious to see other peoples' experiences with the non linear Zelda titles. What dungeon orders have you done in these games? What other ways have you found to progress outside dungeons? Just a fun little discussion about progression, really! Cheers!

    submitted by /u/DB_Digimon443
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    Is triforce heroes worth giving a go? [TH]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:56 AM PST

    I grew up with zelda and have played every game countless times. I actually often forget triforce heroes exists. My question is, is it more like a mini side game (like crossbow training) or is it a full game and worth playing?

    submitted by /u/ThunderTrashDash
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    [MM] The Termina Retcon

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:25 AM PST

    I recently came across the "Termina" page on the Zelda wiki again, and discovered that a new addition had been made a while back. It claims that Termina was supposedly a dream world conjured up by the dark magic of Majora's Mask, and the memories and imagination of the Skull Kid. This took me by complete surprise, as it was well known for years that Termina is a parallel world that exists independently of Hyrule. Even the game itself made this clear.

    This revelation comes from a recent book titled The Legend of Zelda: Encyclopedia, the last in a series of books beginning with Hyrule Historia. I don't know if this source is direct from Nintendo, but it is a retcon I don't necessarily agree with. Termina was a fascinating world to explore, and to label it as yet another "imaginary realm" like Koholint Island that completely vanishes after the ending is quite the slap in the face IMO. Nevermind that there is a cutscene in the game where Skull Kid is seen in Termina prior to obtaining Majora's Mask, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense given what we know.

    Any thoughts?. (Edit: It also makes trying to save everyone a rather moot point, since they don't even exist)

    submitted by /u/heroofthenexus44
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    [ALL] What games would you save?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 02:27 PM PST

    If you were assigned to save 8 of the 18 canon zelda games and delete the other ten, based on what you think is relevant (like the game's importance to zelda lore, history and identity or how good it is) which games would it be?

    List of games Im counting:

    The Legend Of Zelda Zelda II: Link's Adventure A Link To The Past Link's Awakening Oracle of Seasons&Ages Four Swords Ocarina of Time Majora's Mask Wind Waker Twilight Princess Four Swords Adventures Minish Cap Spirit Tracks Phantom Hourglass Skyward Sword Tri Force Heroes A Link Between Worlds Breath Of The Wild

    submitted by /u/rafit45
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    [BoTW] after a long day it’s nice to be able to jump into Hyrule and enjoy the ambiance

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:28 PM PST

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