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    Monday, August 24, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | [BOTW] I got all of the Divine Beasts !

    The Legend of Zelda | [BOTW] I got all of the Divine Beasts !

    [BOTW] I got all of the Divine Beasts !

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    Thunder Blake Gannon was probably the hardest for me but I did it! :)

    submitted by /u/nayr56
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    [TP] Can we talk and appreciate Twilight Princess for a minute? Unpopular Opinion, it’s one of the best games to this day.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Forewarning this is a long post, I didn't intend it to be, so turn back now if you hate a novel.

    I'm not going to compare it to past Zelda games, instead, I rather just appreciate it for the underrated gem that it is. Besides, this is a seemingly [?] unpopular opinion nowadays [?]. Taste is obviously subjective. Each and every Zelda game has it's own unique quirks, flaw and lastly, style. That being said, there is no point in comparing or tearing down previous games.

    • It's been 14 years since it's Twilight Princesses initial release on the Wii and GameCube. Right off the bat the first thing the player notices is the graphics which were memorizing at the time. The realistic graphic style really captured the moody theme and dark tone of the LoZ series. Basically, it took full advantage of everything that the GameCube system had to offer took it up a notch and we were left with impeccable results. Not to mention the attention to detail in TP had in Twilight Princess was quite unforgettable. The best part is, it was unexpected. Complete contrast to Wind Waker which art style wise was completely different than any Zelda game before it. This was basically a dream upgrade that made the game special before it even begun.

    -- Nowadays, no doubt the graphics have aged but personally, I still think they hold quite decently. Then again, any game graphics from the early 2000's compared to now aren't much to talk about nowadays. We've come a long way. But, for a Nintendo game, the moody atmosphere, the detailed dark realistic graphics is what instantly made this game stand out and completely was unexpected. It truly brought life to the genre that the game represents which is medieval-fantasy inspired.

    • Story wise the game is a masterpiece. Link is an ordinary boy or, he thought and sets the scene by starting his story in a small village and within every task given, showcases he's not so ordinary. The minor characters around him play a big part on who he is, and molds him into the hero he was meant to be and brings out his courage which his Triforce represents. Even at the start. See the children are stunned by the time Link wears his green tunic as an e.g, which really captures the whole hero aspect that Link truly is. There are so many storylines going on that connect to each other, from Twilight, kidnapped kids, Zelda and Hyrule, you're constantly left on the edge of your seat. Basically, I can talk endlessly about the story. By the end though, you're left with instead of a happy ending, you get a tragic one, considering Midna somberly and unpredictably shatters the mirror after saying farewell to her best friend.

    -- (Slightly unrelated, just also wanted to point out, it's interesting how people love 'Strangers Things' the TV show, and basically Twilight Princess's game story is such a reminder of that, obviously not spot on but to an extent, especially with the whole 'Twilight - different world.')

    -- The 'dark theme' represents the inability for Link to fix everything and can't save everyone.

    -- Very cinematic story wise as well.

    • Midna is probably one of the best companion, and or side characters a game has ever had to this day. She stands out with her sarcasm and humor especially during a dark time Link and her are experiencing, and she does not ever stop developing. She becomes as important as Link, rather than a tutorial help-side pointless character.

    • The combat system was all around great, and incorporated a lot of new techniques and features making you feel absolutely satisfied. It without a doubt was fun. Especially the discovery of hidden moves, which ultimately makes Link look like a badass. There was so much versatility in the combat system.

    • The boss fights were unique and worthwhile with specific mechanics you had to understand before you actually could beat them. I mean, come on, how can anyone forget the hookshot and the dragon and the final kill? I mean it was also pretty cool being underwater too.

    • The mini-bosses were also great too and had challenge to them.

    • Wolf Link was an interesting game twist and mechanic and was executed perfectly and uniquely. Even though it can be underwhelming at times but it was a nice touch from other game. It also allowed for more unique exploration at times and a good nod to Link to the Past when you'd turn into a Rabbit thing.

    • The realistic graphics contribute to the outstanding scenery at the time. [Personal Opinion, though. I'd take realistic scenery over cartoon styled any day. You just feel more immersed.]

    • Zant was an interesting boss and intriguing creepy character. I mean, the terrifying effect sort of ended when he took off his mask [the Kylo Ren effect] but, oof, he was ruthless and a breath of air from Ganondorf as always the only threat. If anyone paid attention to detail, Zant's / Midna's / Zelda / Ganondorf / Link's narratives all come together and there are intriguing parallels.

    • There's a 50-year old baby that runs a store.

    Other honorable mentions:

    • There was a lot to do on the side, despite it not being an open world game. Players could also achieve the magic armor, plenty of mini-games, and so forth.

    • You actually had a fishing rod.

    • Very interactive world despite not being an open world. Obviously it's limited, but there's a lot to interact with. Even the cats speak to you.


    • Zelda was barely in it. [Personal opinion, even though she was barely in it, Zelda's small role still stood out, and the way she represented herself in the game completely reflected her Triforce of Wisdom, so regardless her character was still intriguing and mature.]

    • Lack of open world, obviously not a surprise though, wasn't the common thing in games back in the day.

    • People complain it's too much like OoT but if anything, it takes away the details that people LOVED about OoT and puts it on steroids

    • Music. Hit or a miss. [Idk if's just me, but I really liked how you were able to play music as part of a mechanic.]


    • Game is an underappreciated masterpiece that's still fun as hell to this day, unique and checks off every box that a great game represents.
    submitted by /u/Bleuzts
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    [TP][OC] Midna in Gold

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    [OoT] ReDeads give me nightmares... I'm 41

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    [Other]Daily "I would sell my first-born for a Wind Waker/Twilight Princess Switch release" thread

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:11 AM PDT

    I would sell my hypothetical first-born for a Wind Waker/Twilight Princess Nintendo Switch release

    Only reason I can think they haven't is for strategic marketing reasons, and even then it's been 3+ years since BotW was released and everyone knows they'd make a shitzillion dollars if they just did a port and released it.

    submitted by /u/Goldeagle1123
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    [OoT] [LA] Here's a little gift for nostalgia

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    I have this old dutch OoT era promo mag that has a comic in it that i've never encountered online before, so i wasted my afternoon scanning the whole thing in, just in case it makes someone happy. :) I'm sure it won't take long for a volunteer translator to show up. i've wasted enough time with the pos scanner already, so im out lol.


    submitted by /u/LordPoopyIV
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    [ALL] I'm preparing to get mad at this one. What is your bad Zelda opinion?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:56 AM PDT

    [OoT] [ALL] I miss the Kokiri.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    What if the Koroks took off their leaf masks and turned back into Kokiri? Like the Korok form was a defense mechanism and then they just forgot they had another form over the years?

    submitted by /u/lokishadowgirl
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    [MM] SnowHead Temple Thoughts

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    I finally got out of Snowhead temple tower! Hardest dungeon I have ever been in on a 3D Zelda game. Makes the water temple in OoT and Naboris in Botw seem like jokes. Took me forever to figure out that in some rooms there were ice shards on the roofs that could be shot down and you have to dissect every room. That darn pillar and Goron rolling to! Truly a test of patience but it feels good to have beat this with no walkthrough.

    submitted by /u/UncleScummy
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    [OoT] My first time beating Ocarina of Time (Looking to the past and the future)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    As for my previous Zelda experiences. I've beaten Breath of the Wild. When I was a kid I also beat the original game and played some Wind Waker and Skyword Sword. I also played Ocarina of Time but stopped. Let's just say 8 year old me did not like Redeads. And when I found out you had to go to the graveyard to get the hook shot, let's just say I cut my losses and decided I wasn't going to make it any farther.

    So now with quarantine, I wanted to play something on my 2ds when I saw Ocarina of Time 3d was only 20 dollars. So I happily started playing Ocarina of Time again. I have to say that spending just $20 on Ocarina of Time was amazing and well worth my money. After beating the game, I can see why people think that Ocarina of Time is one of the best games of all time! It was amazing to revisit and finally beat the game, so here are my highlights from each area~


    Lost Woods/Deku Tree: It took awhile to get used to the camera angle, but things were as good as I remember them. I remember playing on the N64 version and things were really dark, like it was really hard to see. I remember spending ages on the Deku Tree, and this time around I beat it in like 30 minutes. As for Gohma, I never realized you could shoot the slingshot at Gohma when it's on the ceiling, so that made the battle way easier. The controls and sub menus on the 3d version also felt a lot better than using the N64 controller. (As much as I love the N64 : (

    Death Mountain/Dodongos Cavern: It might be me, but I remember all the overworld areas being much bigger than they actually are, but I still enjoyed this area. I totally forgot about visiting the Lost Woods too, so the puzzles were nice too. I like that the 3ds version added visions to help people navigate the overworld and dungeons too. I loved using the bomb flowers and thought King Dodongo was a good boss fight. I also liked the segment where you sneak into the castle to see Princess Zelda.

    Zoras Domain/Inside the Fish Dude: Getting to Zoras Domain is cool with all the twisted platforms at the end. As a kid I never noticed the triforce symbols on the ground where you use Zeldas Lullaby to get into Zoras Domain. So the puzzles so far are not as hard as they were when I was a kid. After this you gotta do the diving quest and get the bottle to get the fish to the king, and again this was way easier to figure out on the 3d version. Then we go Inside the Fish Dude. I liked using Princess Zora for many of the puzzles and the boomerang is a timeless classic. The Boss was always so weird to me and hard too, but was so much fun this time around.

    Ganon gets the fastpass to the Triforce: I don't remember too much from here on out, but as a kid, I never made it to hookshot, so I never realized you could freely go back and forth between time. So I thought playing this time, that I had to do everything as a kid link before I went to the Temple of Time. Being able to freely change between times and having things you do as a kid affect the world as an adult is genius and groundbreaking. I also thought the six Sages aspect is really cool. So with that, theres only 5 more medallions to go!

    Graveyard/Forest Temple: So this time, I was ready. Ready to finally face Redeads and get the Hookshot in the graveyard by racing Dampes ghost. I also really enjoyed everything as adult Link as it was all new to me. So the Forest Temple was my first dungeon I've never done before. It was a really cool dungeon with the twisted halls mechanic and the bow as you hunt down the 4 Poes. Phantom Ganon was a cool boss too, but I didnt realize you could play Tennis with him : (

    Fire Temple: Another new dungeon was great! But I had to use the vision stone to realize I had to push the statue in Dorunias room to get to the next dungeon. I also love how easy you can navigate Hyrule as adult Link. You get the songs Shiek teaches you, as well as Epona to race through Hyrule Field. The Fire Temple was hard just cause there was the room with the sinking cage like structure, where there is a wave of fire you have to avoid. I didn't realize you could make it to the door with one jump, so I had to use a walkthrough to make it. I felt pretty stupid after seeing the solution was just jumping to the door. I also really like using the Hammer Item and the red tunic as it looks fire (Pun Intended). I also thought many of the bosses were too easy, but the Dragon left me at a quarter of a heart.

    Lake Hylia/Water Temple/Icy Cavern: I never knew the Icy Cavern existed, even now when I already knew a lot about the game. So I thought this mini dungeon was really cool. I thought you had to shoot through the blue fire to melt the red ice, but I guess you just had to use the bottle. The boots were really nice, but you had to use them for a dungeon that was not so nice: The Water Temple. Here are my thoughts. It's not hard, just LOOONG. It probably took me like 2 hours to beat it. But ngl, the Shadow Link fight made things kinda worth it. He was quite unpredictable so I was on my toes the whole time. The weird Water Slime Boss was cool too. I liked actually using the Hookshot for a boss as well. But yeah I can see why people really don't like the Water Temple.

    SpOOky Shadow Temple: While I wanted this idea explored more (which happens in the next Temple), I thought the Shadow temple would let both Young Link and Adult Link do puzzles, but you only needed Young Link for the Song of Storms and the Mirror Item. If I couldn't handle the Grapplehook, I know I could have not done the mini dungeon in the well as a kid. That boss was the stuff of nightmares. As for the Shadow Temple itself, I liked the cool boat ride too. Bongo Bongo was also a challenging boss, but that's because I didnt think to use my bow.

    Gerudo Desert/Spirit Temple: This area was also all new to me which made for a great experience. I love how the dungeon uses both Young Link and Adult Link too and the new sun shield was nice. Raiding the Gerudo Fortress and freeing the carpenters was also a cool section of the game. It helps that Gerudo Valley is one of my favorite songs too. I also liked the Plot Twist where I thought Nabooru, the Sage was evil, when she was actually just brainwashed by the boss. The Two Old Grandmas. I thought this boss was cool, but a bit underwhelming. I heard they switched between fire and ice attacks more on the N64 version, but I was just excited to face Ganon at that point.

    Ganondorf Castle/Ganon Fight: I went to fight Ganon with fifteen hearts. So I didnt really 100 percent the game. I probably only got 50 skullitas, and never got the ice arrows either. But I was still ready to save Zelda. While I already knew Shiek was Zelda, I still thought the reveal was really cool. When getting to Ganons castle, i didn't know you needed to walk in front of the castle to trigger a cutscene. So instead, I hit the stone that needs the golden gauntlets with light arrows for ten minutes trying to figure out what i was doing wrong. While Ganons castle was short, I enjoyed the throwback to each temple with it's own themed puzzles to release the Sages. I also made sure to get the blessing that made me get double defense once I did get the golden gauntlets. For the Ganondorf fight, I was ready for my Tennis rematch. I thought this fight was underwhelming as you could use pots on the bottom floor for hearts and more magic. My problem was that all the platforms were taken out by Ganondorf early, so I kept falling off accidently. I don't know if anyone ran into the same problem, but when i hit Ganondorf with the light arrow, i got a huge lag spike so I kept falling down. I finally used the hover boots so I'd finally stop falling off. I never knew there was a Ganondorf fight so that was cool, but still underwhelming. Then theres the sequence where you escape the castle which was also really cool. I had a minute left but still felt stressed during the whole thing. Then for the Ganon fight. WOW. This was the best way to end one of my new favorite games. I wasted a lot of lights arrow during the first phase, and took too late to realize he smashed rubble which would give you more magic for light arrows. So I actually died during the fight, which felt great. For the second time around I was way more prepared. I used the Stone Mallet for the first phase and used the Light Arrows and Master Sword for the second phase. I then drew my sword and with Zelda and the Sages help, slayed Ganon and sealed him away in the Sacred Realm. Zelda then sent me back to my own time where we get the best dance party and end credits scene. I must say, Ocarina of Time might be in my top 5 best games ever.

    Looking Ahead: I'm now excited to see what Botw 2 holds. I haven't played Majoras Mask yet, but will probably start tomorrow, and yet I already hope that Botw2 will be the Majoras Mask to Botw. I get why people prefer the themed dungeons, unique bosses and item based progression, but I still think theres a happy medium that would include elements from past games while expanding on Botws concepts and physics. This would make Botw2 one of the best Zelda games ever! I'm excited to play more Zelda, as Ocarina of Time was a great reintroduction to more of the classic Zelda games. Thank you guys so much for giving this a read, especially if you read the whole thing. I hope you guys enjoyed what I had to offer, when I look back on my experience playing this game as a kid and now. So with that said, thank you Nintendo, for making a masterpiece!~~~

    submitted by /u/SingleJoyConBoi
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    [ALL] How can I play more Zelda??

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Okay I'm sure this has been addressed a million times, but I'm new to all of this.

    BOTW is my first Zelda game and I love it so much. It's definitely the best game I've ever played. I'm currently like halfway through getting all the korok seeds, and I know BOTW2 will be here eventually, BUT I WANT MORE!

    I'm having trouble figuring out how to do that. I only have a switch at the moment but I'm down to buy another system. What makes the most sense as far as best/most games? I've heard that the wiiU might be the way to go but I would love more opinions.


    submitted by /u/Nermcore
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    [MM] Majora’s Mask: To restart or not to restart?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    I started Majora's Mask on my 3DS a little over a year ago. Having a toddler and being pregnant put a major hold on playing. I've completed the first three days and want to continue playing while I wait for my second child to arrive (in 4 days!).

    Only issue is, I can't remember what the hell I'm doing! Should I restart or should I peek at a walkthrough and piece together where I'm at? TIA!

    submitted by /u/dancehoebot
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    [BOTW] Is there a reason why the sunrise in Breath of the Wild happens at like 3am?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    The sun comes up between 5-6am in Japan, right? I'm not crazy am I? They don't have some weird 3am sunrises over there do they?

    submitted by /u/bigpig1054
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    [TP] [OC] Midna in Gold

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    I had to re-post bwcause I missunderstood the rules - I thought self-post meant your cintent ;_;

    I drew a 2 hour long digital painting, inspired by the famous painting "The Woman in Gold".


    Hope you like it! Follow me on https://www.tumblr.com/blog/your-girl-tam or https://twitter.com/Your_Girl_Tam for more frequent content! ^^

    submitted by /u/SUPscrubbi
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    [OoT]Best link of the whole franchise

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    [MM] Did you need help?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    I'm only on Snowhead and I've already had to get help and I don't feel like I can truly say I beat it if I were to continue since I needed help

    submitted by /u/UncleScummy
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