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    Monday, September 7, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | [ALL] Got some new goodies =D

    The Legend of Zelda | [ALL] Got some new goodies =D

    [ALL] Got some new goodies =D

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    [BOTW] I made a Hylian Shield cake for my Zelda mad little one

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    homemade cake

    We play BOTW for hours together. He's only 6, but I think this is the start of a life long love. This is the cake he requested for his birthday, I am by no means a professional baker, but he loved it. You should have seen the state of my kitchen afterwards though.

    submitted by /u/lemontastycakes
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    [ALL] Ranked choice survey: What are your favorite mainline Zelda games?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    There's this cool tool for doing ranked choice polls, and I wanted to know what this community's favorite Zelda games are:

    Link to survey

    This is just the mainline games, no Crossbow Training, sorry if that's your favorite. I've also left off the co-op focused games: Tri Force Heroes, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures. Also no CD-i games, if Wand of Gamelon is your favorite Zelda game please seek medical attention.

    submitted by /u/hubau
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    [OC] Decided to make my own collection

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:58 AM PDT

    [BOTW2] The Dark World

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    I have been playing Zelda: A Link to the Past on the Nintendo online SNES console player and after playing it for a while I am now 90% sure that the dark world or something like it will appear as a main mechanic in the game.

    In a Metroid Echoes-esque feel I would love if we would go between the two world and do things in each world that effect the other. It would ultimately double the size of the map and variety of each.

    As well as like in Smash Bros Ultimate and it's major twist in it's story where you feel done with the game, you worked so hard and beat the final boss only to realize there is another half to the world. That kind of feel would be amazing as well where the true battle doesn't begin until halfway through.

    What other mechanics would you like to see through BOTW 2?

    submitted by /u/Boccor
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    [BOTW] how to beat the naboris boss?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    First time I thought him I was weak and after farming the coliseum and getting royal weapons he's still too hard

    submitted by /u/king2173
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    [TP] Stallord is extremely overrated as a boss.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Firstly I would like to say that TP is my all time favourite zelda game and this post isnt a hate post at the game. Stallord is very often seen as a great zelda boss from the start up with Zant animating it, the music and the fast pace. However I never see anyone talking about how the fight itself is lacking of any real challenge or content. In the first phase the only attacks are spiked blades travelling along the spinner path and occasional slow fire breath attacks which all poses very little threat. The second phase has more or less the same thing just in a more vertical layout of the battle arena and yet people highly praise this fight. The issue is quite simply the spinner as the dungeon item. No zelda boss should be a let down to fight due to a gimmicky and situational item. The spinner is used very early out side of the dungeon because of the need for rails that are boring to use out side of one or two instances of jumping between them to avoid blades. This dungeon and fight could have actually been good if the item was better and I had to voice this opinion because noone else is talking about it and I want to see if others agree with me. In my opinion it would have made more sense to have a dungeon item the wolf link could use given how key wolf link is to the. An example of a wolf link item could be a twilight relic sealed within the dungeon, given the lore it would make sense for it to be locked away there. This relic allows wolf link to burrow similar to the worm enemy seen throughout gerudo desert given him a higher jump and an attack linked to it. Would like to hear what people think.

    submitted by /u/Melonzero
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    [MM] Should I play ocarina of time before majoras mask (no spoilers please)

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    Do I have to play ocarina of time before playing majoras mask to understand things correctly or can I play majoras mask without it?

    submitted by /u/01raccoon
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    [TP] A thought: Could the Dark Interlopers of killed Hero Shade?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    The goddesses themselves intervened by sending the Light Spirits. Considering they rarely do this with other villains, the Interlopers must of done something special to anger them. Succeeding in killing the chosen hero perhaps?

    So what do you think? This isn't a theory, but just I thought that came into my head.

    submitted by /u/Mellowix
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    [BotW] Unpopular opinion: I think BotW is overrated and not the best Zelda game. Hear me out.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    As the title says, I am likely the minority when I say that Breath of the Wild is overrated and not my favorite or the best Zelda title.

    Let me explain my reasoning.

    I want to start off by saying no, I don't think Breath of the Wild is a bad game. In fact, quite the opposite. It's definitely one of the greatest games I have ever played. But it's not my favorite Zelda game, and I doubt it ever will be. I am tired of everyone praising it as the greatest addition to the franchise because in my mind, it's not. And I know a lot of y'all will hate me for it.

    I come from an interesting perspective. The Nintendo Switch's release was rapidly approaching in March of 2017. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was a launch title for the console, and people had been waiting six years for the next mainstream installment in the franchise after Skyward Sword's release in 2011. So, needless to say, there was a lot of hype surrounding both the console and the game.

    I was in eighth grade at the time and had never really gotten into the Zelda franchise. All I had was a Nintendo Wii (which is still the case today), and I primarily played the Mario games on it (Super Mario Galaxy is still one of my favorite video games ever). We didn't own any of the Zelda titles, so it had never really piqued my interest. I knew of the Zelda games, but never tried them out. So, with the Switch and BotW's release fast approaching, just about every kid in my grade was beyond excited, so naturally I had to look into it. The game looked cool enough. When the game and console finally released, both were praised and hailed as some of the greatest gaming experiences of all time.

    Since I didn't have the means to get the Switch or a Wii U, I couldn't play BotW. Luckily, most of my friends had one or both consoles, so I was able to play bits and pieces of the game when I would go to their houses. I loved the game. It felt epic. Adventurous. It gave me choices. It was so vastly different from any other game I'd ever played. The open world had so many opportunities for exploration and advancement. I was blown away.

    So, I had to look into the rest of the franchise.

    Having no money to buy new games for my Wii console, I unfortunately had to resort to watching video series of people playing the games on YouTube. (Arguably this isn't the same experience, but I have since been able to play 3 of the games). Being fascinated with Breath of the Wild at that point in time, I watched ZackScottGames' playthrough of BotW and loved it. I had to see more. So I watched Batman9502's LPs of both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask (I HIGHLY recommend his videos, particularly his Zelda ones and the one for Batman: Arkham Asylum). Then I watched Cobernermani456's playthrough of The Wind Waker HD. Then I went back to Batman9502 and watched his LP of Twilight Princess and then Skyward Sword.

    And I noticed something. Each of these games was so very different from what BotW had offered. Over the course of my watching, I fell in love with the classic Zelda formula and the way each game played out.

    For fun, here's my ranking of each game (not including BotW):

    1. Twilight Princess
    2. Ocarina of Time
    3. Skyward Sword
    4. Wind Waker
    5. Majora's Mask

    Thankfully, I've had the opportunity since to play TP, SS, and OoT, my three favorites.

    Having watched/experienced those, I went back and played a little BotW and rewatched the series. And... it just didn't have the same effect on me. I enjoyed the open world, but the game was just so vastly different from the rest of the games in the series that I had fallen in love with. Gone were the traditional dungeons, replaced with 4 dungeon-ish-es and 120 mini-dungeons with a puzzle or two in each. Gone was the linearity from previous games (some would argue this is better), replaced with the freedom to undergo each task in any order you want (with the exception of the Great Plateau tutorial-phase). Gone was a companion to be with you on your journey, replaced with solitude (I don't count Zelda, she just talks to you every once in a while). They completely revamped combat system and the way you collect different items throughout the game. The story seemed to be less of a focus in BotW, with a greater focus being on gameplay and giving players something new.

    Something new isn't necessarily bad. Focusing on gameplay isn't necessarily bad. But, to me, the franchise had lost what had made Zelda games unique. It completely revamped the series into something almost unrecognizable when compared to previous installments. So when people say it's the best Zelda game, I just... don't see it. BotW didn't feel like a Zelda game. It felt like something from a completely different series with some characters, species, and items copy/pasted in there. If I were to fit it into my ranking above, it would likely come above MM and below WW. It's a sin, I know.

    BotW revolutionized gaming. It redefined gaming. It's an amazing experience with spectacular visuals and gameplay. But it lost what made Zelda, Zelda, and I hope we continue to get more games like those originals. A return to form, if you will, in BotW 2. I hope that they can take aspects from both types of games to make a title that feels both uniquely Zelda and also gives us a bit of the new things we saw in BotW.

    Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.

    Brace for downvotes.

    (You are allowed to like BotW and to say it's your favorite or the best Zelda game. I don't hate you for it, I simply disagree. To each their own, right?)

    TL;DR BotW is not my favorite Zelda game because it didn't feel like the other games in the franchise. Don't hate me.

    submitted by /u/pixarfan2003
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    [ALL] What's the "newest" way to play each of the Zelda games at the moment?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    My wife is really excited to be getting into the Zelda series. She's currently playing through Twilight Princess and loving it a ton, and has also played OOT on the N64. She's looking at playing Link's Awakening on Switch after this, as well as LTTP.

    I was curious though as I was playing, what's the "newest" console to play each of the Zelda games? I know there are some available through digital download on the 3DS, some are available through the NSO service, and then others, such as Skyward Sword are only playable on consoles that are hard to get your hands on, relatively speaking.

    submitted by /u/Elarionus
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    [ALL] What's the most essential game in the Zelda series?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    Heya, I'm writing an assignment about "the most relevant art in your chosen community" so hey, Zelda is game... And games are art with a community so, why not?

    Anyway, what's the most relevant game that happened in the Zelda series? I'm not talking about the lore tho. I'm talking about the game that may have possibly changed the series' direction or influences... in your opinion anyway.

    I'm kinda leaning towards OOT because it's the first 3d Zelda game and is technically the one that kinda made the zelda formula we know, but I wanna know other people's opinions. Sorry if this post is confusing, I'm not good with words. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/apollo507
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    [BoTW] Master Mode + no fast travel = so much more appreciation for this game

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    I'm playing my second run through on this game. The first time, obviously, was just a normal play through, utilizing everything the game had to offer. It was amazing, because this game is amazing, but as I got near the end of it I definitely felt like things were getting a bit stale. Beating hordes of enemies was the same thing over and over. I never used any food I ate that didn't just max out my hearts or give me triple strength or defense. And I always approached battles the same way: running head-long into them, slashing wildly until either everyone died or I did.

    But the thing I noticed the most: there was still so much of the map I hadn't explored! Because of fast travel, if I needed to get to the other side of the map I just did it instantly. I went from specific place to specific place, which meant there was no need/opportunity to actually explore what was around me!

    So now I'm on my second play through. I'm doing Master Mode for the first time which is already forcing me to approach battles in a different way. But by disallowing myself to fast travel, I'm finding I now have to explore to get more items, and I have to conserve things, and I have to be careful of my stamina. Also, I've already found two shrines I'd never found before, and I'm only just on my way back from Hateno to Kakariko to talk to Impa about the Locked Mementos!

    Honestly, playing it this way is helping me appreciate the game so much more and I'd recommend it to anyone.

    submitted by /u/FlimFlamAndFlamJam
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    [BoTW2] Found These

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    [ALL] Is this Manga series worth reading?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 08:36 PM PDT

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