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    Monday, September 28, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    Self-Post Sundays are our main discussion day. On those days we only allow text posts directly about the games themselves.

    This means no images, videos, etc. If you want more discussion of all things Zelda we suggest subscribing to /r/TrueZelda where every day it's text only.

    Want more Zelda today?

    How about you join our Official Partnered Discord here or visit one of these Zelda related subs to post your non-text only content.

    submitted by /u/ZeldaMod
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    [TP][OC] Digital painting of Princess Zelda

    Posted: 28 Sep 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    [BoTW] Lore question about the kakariko.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Are the citizens of Kakariko village Sheikah, or are they normal people? What are the sheikah? are they kind of like the Dwemer from The elder scrolls where they were very advanced then just kind of died?

    submitted by /u/PeenoSchmeeno
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    [OTHER] new 2D Zelda game?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    I know we are all wondering what games could be in a potential Zelda All Stars this upcoming February. However, we should consider the possibility of another 2D remake as we did get Link's Awakening.
    My brother has been suggesting ALTTP, but I digress. That game is very old, but it aged pretty well even to this day. No wonder why is still so beloved. I believe we should get a remake of the Oracle games instead. They would save a lot of work since they can reuse tons of assets, much like the original Oracles did with LA. Also, I don't believe anyone would complain if they receive the life quality improvements much like LA did

    submitted by /u/Mid_nox
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    [AoC][BotW] Possible playable King Rhoam in the main story

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    I initially dismissed the idea of the king being playable since this title is being more focused on being canon, but I thought about Zelda's last mission to seal Ganon.
    We know that he dies pretty early on at the Castle when Ganon awakens.
    In BotW he appears as a spirit with green flames just like the champions, except his spirit wasn't trapped. When Link rescues the spirits they assist him with their own powers and are still able to operate their divine beasts.
    I'm thinking that for AoC we'll be able to play as Spirit King Rhoam and will help Zelda in the final mission at Hyrule Castle, since that's where he died. It also would explain how King Rhoam ended up at the Great Plateau if Zelda had told him that's where Link was located and had ask him to watch over him for when he awaken.
    Also we could just get him anyway to play as for free mode or whatever non-canon game mode Koei decide to give us.

    TLDR Spirit Rhoam/Awakened Zelda team up at Hyrule Caslte for the finale, he summons spirits of his fallen knights and rides the Lord of the Mountain.

    submitted by /u/VividVirtuous
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    [AoC] [BotW] I just realized that we could see Master Kohga in his prime and that scares me

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    Imagine seeing Master Kohga in his prime before he got fat and "kinda stupid". It would be interesting to see him like this and maybe fight him in his prime.

    This also gives the possibility of him being playable character in free play.

    submitted by /u/Emerald_Lad
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    [All] What I your favorite dungeon?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    My favorite is Sky Keep from Skyward Sword.

    submitted by /u/Lonk_boi
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    [LA] Sword Search musical timing differences?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    Has anyone else noticed that in the original LA, when you grab the sword a musical fanfare plays that cleverly uses the sword swiping sound effect (with the enemy defeat sound effect if you used the lower entrance) to create a fuller, more triumphant sound? 1

    When I was playing the Switch version, I found it so odd that they return control to the player so early that the sword swipe doesn't get integrated with the climax of the fanfare 2

    Do you think this decision was an oversight by Nintendo or did that part of the game actually feel too sluggish by being an extra few seconds longer?

    submitted by /u/jbermudes
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    [ALL] Should I buy Hyrule Warriors?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    I'm looking for some thoughts and opinions from this community on whether it's worth buying Hyrule Warriors in advance of Age of Calamity being released.

    BotW has become one of my favourite games so the idea of spending more time in that world is really exciting to me but I would love to know if anyone here thinks HW is also worth a go (or £50...)

    submitted by /u/BeckburyWolf
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    [LoZ] Got On another Zelda High Recently

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I'm currently on my 6th playthrough on BOTW, and when I beat that, I want to play OOT, then Majora's Mask, then Twilight Princess, then Skyward Sword, then to top it all off, I want to beat my Favorite zelda game, Wind Waker HD. I always get obsessed with zelda like this for no reason. does this happen to you guys too?

    submitted by /u/PeenoSchmeeno
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    [ALL] - Which of these best describes how you play Zelda games?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    [AoC] I wonder how much customization do you think we will have over at least link?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    This is what excites me/worries me. So we know we can swap out weapons and shield. Hoping we can do them separately so I can rock the ladle with hylian shield. Also hoping there are plenty of weapons to choose from and maybe upgrade? Idk I've never played a warriors game.

    My other hope is that we can swap out armors. Whether it be full suits or armor pieces. Hopefully the ladder.

    I cant wait for this game, although I'm worried the endless hacking and slashing. I also hope there's some customization with the other characters. What else do you guys hope for?

    submitted by /u/Captain-fach
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    [ALL] O Chamber of Sages, cast thy votes. lol

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    Which one has the better story? I was gonna put more options, but I couldn't.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Lonk_daBoi
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