• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 3, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | [BoTW] We’ve all been there...

    The Legend of Zelda | [BoTW] We’ve all been there...

    [BoTW] We’ve all been there...

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    [BoTW] From my first experience with a Lynel

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    [OoT] [MM] Does anyone else, to this day, continue to find the stretched out, blurry textures of the N64 to be indescribably charming and endearing?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    [BoTW] King Link & Queen Zelda piece I recently finished

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    [BoTW] Its basically the song of death.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    [ALL] [OC] It's like looking in a mirror

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    [BOTW] not to mention literally all four champions.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    [TP] I drew a Twilight Princess x Howl's Moving Castle Crossover!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    [BOTW] I finally got the game yesterday, and I spent an hour climbing and running because it’s so beautiful :’)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    [ALL] Made This At The Job Today

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    [BOTW] Man, I love climbing.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    [BoTW] I started playing this game three years ago but I accidentally deleted my save data. This is my third day. Am I addicted? Yes. Yes I am.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    [BOTW] idk if this has been done before

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    [TP] Did I do it right?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    [OoT] [MM] My young link SFM Images

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    [BOTW] This week, we had to make a background for the Letter we drew, so I pulled everything I could to make it passable. Enjoy!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    [BotW] Charging Beast (OC)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    [BotW] A handful of handmade paper koroks that I hid around the house for my husband to find!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    [OoT] This is my third time trying to post about something I found in Death Mountain.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    So Uh, I was watching Zeltik's old theory on who Volvagia is over on Youtube and the opening of the video made me think about Dodongo's cavern for the first time in years and I realized something; The Goron's eat "Green Rocks" mined from Dodongo's Cavern, a cavern with a Massive Dodongo skeleton embedded into the Rock, fossilized to the point that 2 seperate bomb blasts from Link do nothing. The Gorons aren't eating Rocks in Ocarina of time, I think they're eating Fossilized Dodongo flesh. Now I know in real world fossilization, flesh of any kind isn't fossilized, but the being we're talking about Explode when killed as Juveniles and infants, and when King Dodongo dies he curls up in the lava and hardens completely, with nothing in Link's arsenal (Be it bombs or sword) damaging it. It's entirely possible that when fully matured Dodongos perish, rather than exploding, they simply harden and what would normally be decay in other organic life forms, the Dodongo bodies continue to harden until they are indistinguishable from the rocks surrounding them. So The Gorons think they're chowing down on rocks, they are instead eating the vermin that infest "Their Mine" heck perhaps the Dodongo's Cavern is named appropriately and it wasn't created by the Gorons, at least not entirely, and it's in fact a Dodongo lair and the creatures are native to Death Mountain, the only place that would be suitable for the Volatile creatures.

    submitted by /u/Tyrelius_Dragmire
    [link] [comments]

    [OoT] I love Zelda and I love golf. Made myself this headcover for my putter as an homage to the N64 OoT box art.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    [BOTW] people these days have hot take opinions for popularity. They’re never based on truth.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    [OC] (Art by me, PrinceofError) DAY 2 of shadowlinktober: Onox/veran

    Posted: 03 Oct 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    [BoTW] I drew a kitty in its best Ancient Armor ^_^

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 09:24 PM PDT

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