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    Monday, October 19, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    Self-Post Sundays are our main discussion day. On those days we only allow text posts directly about the games themselves.

    This means no images, videos, etc. If you want more discussion of all things Zelda we suggest subscribing to /r/TrueZelda where every day it's text only.

    Want more Zelda today?

    How about you join our Official Partnered Discord here or visit one of these Zelda related subs to post your non-text only content.

    submitted by /u/ZeldaMod
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    [BoTW] From Great Plateau to Hyrule Castle in one jump

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    [OoT] Something I noticed about the ocarina songs today

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Earlier today I decided to learn the ocarina warping songs from Ocarina of Time on piano. While doing so, I noticed something about the chord progressions of each song. (I'm excluding the Nocturne of Shadow from this analysis because its chords were so different from the others.)

    Every single song starts with a minor chord (i, to be precise) and resolves to that chord's parallel major. Bolero of Fire, Serenade of Water, and Requiem of Spirit all start on Dm and resolve to D, while Minuet of Forest starts on Em and resolves to E. This gives the songs a sad, depressing feeling in the beginning which turns into an uplifting feeling at the end, representing the hope Link brings to Hyrule with each dungeon he completes. Requiem of Spirit does this especially well, with its last three chords being Dm Dsus2 D.

    Meanwhile, Minuet of Forest and Serenade of water have the exact same chord progression. The chords in each song are i IV i IV bVI bVII I, with Minuet being in E Minor and Serenade in D Minor. In my opinion, this reflects Link's relationships with Saria and Ruto. He and Saria had known each other his entire life, and they were nearly inseparable. The Fairy Ocarina represented their friendship. Meanwhile, Link and Ruto agreed to marry each other after he saved her from Jabu Jabu's Belly, with the Zora's Sapphire symbolizing their new friendship. The similarities between Link's relationships with Saria and Ruto are embodied in the matching chord progressions of the Minuet of Forest and Serenade of Water.

    submitted by /u/TheEggoEffect
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    [WW] This game is absolutely gorgeous!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    I just start playing windwaker. I had bought a Wii U two years ago and never used it until now. Couldn't wait to see if it'd come out on switch. This HD port looks and feels amazing to play. Maybe I'm just in awe since I've been play OoT3D for a while. This is my third Zelda game. My first was BotW on switch and second was OoT on my 2ds. I'm enjoying the story and am super interested to hear about what happened to the adult timeline and how Ganon got out. Wish me luck!

    submitted by /u/dogboy678
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    [Botw2] [Botw] My Link cosplay from the Breath of the Wild sequel

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    [BoTW] A portrait of Paya

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:40 AM PDT

    [BOTW] Young Impa. ���� [OC]

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    [OoT] Water Temple hate

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    So I get that some issues with the Water Temple rightfully get hate such as constantly needing to go in and out of the equipment menu to put on and take off the iron boots, but I feel like some aspects get hate that they don't deserve. One of the most notable ones is the location of the small keys. The compass reveals the location of every chest in the temple and even tells you so every time you obtain it. If you don't know where to go, finding the solution is always as simple as opening up the menu and looking at which chests you can get to. I don't really see how the Water Temple is so much worse than say, the Fire Temple or the Spirit Temple that it gets all the hate that it does.

    submitted by /u/khornebeef
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    [ALL] Beedle is cool

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    [MM] Elegy of Emptiness Theory

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:33 PM PDT

    Almost every Zelda fan knows the Elegy of Emptiness from the Majora's Mask. It is a mysterious song that creates a "heartless" image of yourself. It is used in Ikana Tower and the Stone Tower dungeon. Though a very useful tool, it doesn't have much of a background story. Most know it from the "Ben Drowned" Creepypasta by "Jadusable". Though very known, little is known about it. We are going to be looking at the possible origins of the mysterious "Elegy of Emptiness". This also may give a detail that might help disprove the infamous "Link is Dead" Theory.


    We learn the Elegy of Emptiness in Ikana Canyon after defeating Igos Du Ikana. He teaches the song with intentions of helping Link up Ikana Tower. "An army of heartless soldiers" is the expression he uses to describe the lifeless statues you make. Though lifeless, they are extraordinarily useful tools to scaling the Ikana Tower.

    Quick Fun Fact with VasilisDarkk -An Elegy is a Poem of Serious Reflection, Typically a Lament for the Dead- Could this be a key to what this song is about or for?

    In the Stone Tower, you use the song's ability to summon inanimate statues to hold down pressure switches. Some switches are bigger than the others and are unable to activated without the Goron statue. Another statue has a related drastic weight function: the Deku Scrub. It is so small, switches are unaffected by its mass. It is the least used and was probably just put there as compensation for the other forms having an inanimate statue. Now that we know that the statue's have copy the exact mass of the current form you play the song in, this means that they are probably copies of the body and shape of the original creature.

    Another Fun Fact with VasilisDarkk -Most think the that because the dead forms that the Elegy of Emptiness creates proves that Link is Dead in Majora's Mask, but if you look at the eyes, you see that the mask forms don't have pupils, an image of being dead If you look at Link's statue form, he has blue pupils, just like Link. This might be proof he is alive in Majora's Mask.-

    Another theory I thought up when I was younger and playing through the game was that Link's "distorted" form from playing the Elegy of Emptiness,was portraying his original Termanian counterpart. Many say that the Fierce Deity is Link's counterpart, but maybe just like Link in OoT, he has a future linked to Magic. Maybe this statue of Link is actually the Termanian's image of when he was Link's age. Link and the Fierce Deity could still be connected, but just like in Ocarina of Time, he has a different, aged form. Maybe in the future, which has already passed in Termina, Termanian Link became a god, known as the Fierce Deity. I'm not sure if this makes sense to you or even me, but I see some sort of far off relation here.

    Here is a Quote from Majora's Mask Describing the Elegy of Emptiness -"I grant to you a soldier who has no heart. One who will not falter in the darkness. This soldier who has no heart is your twin image. A shell of yourself that you will shed when your song commands it."- - Igos du Ikana

    This song, described by Igos du Ikana, is like an ancient melody of power. It is a form of magic that most would relate to the past. Maybe it was a song passed down through the ancient kingdom. It was probably the key to get past the Stone Tower, so that might mean they were protecting something. In a previous theory, I stated that the previous people of Ikana might have been formerly the "Ancient Ones". I said that the "Ancient Ones" hid away Majora's Mask in Stone Tower. It seems a perfect plan, seeming impregnable without the Elegy of Emptiness. After the Happy Mask Salesman retrieved the mask(If you want to know how read my "Ancient Ones" Theory), he opened the gates of the Tower letting in the Chief Garo without realizing it.

    It seems this song is most probably a security precaution to protecting Majora's Mask, making it impossible to reach the dungeon of the mask and making it even more difficult to make it out alive. Another layer of security is the dungeon itself, so it seems the Elegy of Emptiness was just a key to get past a layer of security of the Majora's Mask. Now, the Happy Mask Salesman being a descendant of the "Ancient Ones"(Once again, if confused, read my "Ancient One" Theory), was easily able to get past the security with most probably knowing the Elegy of Emptiness. He is able to procure an organ out of thin air, so he could probably get past a few puzzles that his ancestors set.

    Fun Fact About a Theory Source with VasilisDarkk -Some say Link is dead because he has a form from the "Elegy of Emptiness", which most knowing the most common definition of "Elegy" is a lament of the dead, automatically assume Link is dead, while overlooking the area you learn it in, and the eyes of the shells forms, it is a pretty solid piece of information.-

    Thank you everyone for reading my "Elegy of Emptiness" Theory. If you can't tell, I wrote this in my first year of High School. I was quite the fanboy back then. I'm now currently 19 and I haven't written any online posts in years. I quit shortly before Google+ shut down and never found another platform to continue my work. I figured I'd sample Reddit with some of my previous work, which I have about 30+ theories saved on my drive. If you enjoyed this, feel free to upvote this, comment, and reshare. I look forward to working on this platform!

    submitted by /u/Zarxilous
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    [ALL] if the master sword is the master sword is the iconic sword and the hylian shield is the iconic shield what is the iconic bow and arrow

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:23 AM PDT

    I don't have any idea for iconic bow but the silver arrows are definitely the most iconic arrow in my opinion

    submitted by /u/DUCK1616
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    [ALL] Post your ranking of the games!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Alright this is bound to stir some controversy

    1. Twilight Princess
    2. Ocarina of Time
    3. Breath of the Wild
    4. A Link Between Worlds
    5. The Wind Waker
    6. Link's Awakening
    7. Skyward Sword
    8. A Link to the Past
    9. Phantom Hourglass
    10. The Minish Cap
    11. Majora's Mask
    12. Spirit Tracks
    13. The Legend of Zelda
    14. Four Swords
    15. Adventure of Link
    Haven't Played Yet
    -Four Swords Adventures
    -Triforce Heroes
    -Oracle of Ages
    -Oracle of Seasons

    submitted by /u/declechho
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    [LoZ] How accessible is the original Zelda?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    So, I love what I've played in the series, including Breath of the Wild, but I haven't played the original. I was thinking of getting it because I heard that Breath of the Wild's openness, exploration and lack of linearity comes from that game. I'm just wondering how much it lives up to that today for someone who has no nostalgic connection? And how hard is it due to the label of linearity? Will I need a guide much?

    submitted by /u/MyOwnNotes
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    [OTHER] Would you guys like to see a game were Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf join forces temporarily to fighter a greater evil?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    So if you guys have played Sonic SA2 eggman helps sonic because they are all going to die if he doesnt. Would you guys like to see something like that happen with the 3 mentioned above? Imagine the 3 triforce holders joining forces to whoop some ass. I think it would be dope to play a section of a game with Ganondorf or Zelda. I havent played BOTW so i dont know if you play as Zelda. Whats your guys opinions?

    submitted by /u/Annunakeyz
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    [OOT] If OOT or MM were ever remastered for Switch or future consoles, what version would you prefer?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Personally I found the Mario 3 game bundle "upscale" to be fun, but a little disappointing. If OoT or MM were ever to be released for the Switch or future consoles, I'd be totally fine with both being the same game (so not a remake) as the original, only upscaled to at least FHD and I'd love if they added HD textures. Other than that I'd be fine with everything else staying exactly the same.

    My ultimate dream would be to have both games be completely remade in at least HD. But it would risk losing the charm the original games had and I doubt Nintendo will do anything like this any time soon.

    submitted by /u/jacoma89
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    [OoT] So, I just beat Ocarina of Time for the first time.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Kid me just wanted to play around on my brother's file because he had Epona and all the cool stuff. I'd just make up my own adventures pretty much. However, I've now completed the game proper at age 27. It's kinda neat that I began this journey as a kid and finished as an adult. Hmm.

    For clarity, I played through it on the original cartridge, the one with the Islamic chants still in the game. Putting my nostalgia glasses aside, this game still holds up mostly well, aside from some painful slowdown, a slightly boring Hyrule field, and bombchu's seeming to have a mind of their own. They never go where I want them to! I'll just say it, this game has been outdone in pretty much every way by later entries...but I don't know, there's just something more to this game particularly that I can't explain. I was really into it. Heck, I found myself actually listening to Navi and talking to Saria just to see what these characters had to say. It's more than the sum of its parts I guess.

    Anyways, I'm sure nobody here needs me to drone on about why Ocarina of Time is special. Amazing atmosphere and sound design, good writing, solid gameplay, clever dungeons, a simple but powerful story and just so so so much charm throughout. Mweep :p

    And to end on a cliffhanger, I haven't played Majora's Mask or Wind Waker either!

    submitted by /u/BooksMcGee
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    [ALL] I stumbled across the music that inspired Legend of Zelda's

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    Check out 1976's Mother Earth's Plantasia; Music for Plants. The entire album is amazing but check track 5 Concerto for Philodendron & Pothos. Hear it? The artist is Mort Garson.

    submitted by /u/POST-IT_GOAT
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    [LA] I finally beat links awakening...

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    After getting the HD remake in may I had gotten to the 5th dungeon before putting it down out of boredom but a yesterday I picked it back up and finally beat it today! I feel like I have closure for a what I now think of as a great experience with this game and now I can wait for age of calamity and (hopefully) a 3d Zelda bundle knowing I finished it.

    submitted by /u/TheSolarCloud
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    [Other] Sidequest Concept: Hylian Hellfire Club

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:13 PM PDT

    To those not int he know, It's sasically a secret exclusive club that's infamous for it's high-society members engaging in and taking part in activities and rituals that would be considered blasphemous and Morally repugnant. More info here

    They would be initially perceived as Evil and would even describe them as Demonn-worshippers, but the reality is that what they do in their gatherings is a joke and meant to shock outsiders rather than seriously attack Hyrulean Society, Religion and the authority of the Royal Family. But the outsiders don't see it that way.

    The Dungeon that they would hold their gatherings and other activities is a serious of manmade tunnels and chambers beneath the last place where the Hylian authorities would look for them... Hyrule Castle.

    The Hylian version of the Hellfire Club is based on the Hellfire club formed by the Duke of Wharton. Their meetting place being a series of manmade caves coming from the Hellfire Club of Sir Francis Dashwood.

    As a sidequest, Link would hear rumors of the club's existence from interactions with certain NPCS. Eventually He'd be charged with investigating and going undercover to determine the validity of these rumors and if there is such a club that's meeting somewhere hidden in Hyrule. The twist being that the person who gives the sidequest actually being the president of the club and had put Link down a false lead. Making him go to their old meeting place instead of their actual and current meeting place. Which is accessible via a camouflaged entrance somewhere in Castle Town.

    submitted by /u/Newman1651
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    [MM] Link please save us lol

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    With the way 2020 has been going, I'm fully expecting a moon to fall on my town in three days and my only hope of survival is a little boy in a green dress and a great mask collection.

    submitted by /u/ShortAndSalty_
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