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    Monday, January 4, 2021

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:00 AM PST

    Self-Post Sundays are our main discussion day. On those days we only allow text posts directly about the games themselves.

    This means no images, videos, etc. If you want more discussion of all things Zelda we suggest subscribing to /r/TrueZelda where every day it's text only.

    Want more Zelda today?

    How about you join our Official Partnered Discord here or visit one of these Zelda related subs to post your non-text only content.

    submitted by /u/ZeldaMod
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    [OoT] First time playing Ocarina of Time. Just wow

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:06 PM PST

    Phenomenal. Easily deserving of the only 99 rating on Metacritic. I've played a couple other Zelda games before and I've always been a fan of the series, but never had the opportunity to play the older ones, until I got an emulator. Just wow. Despite being 22 years old, and graphically archaic by today's standards, It held my attention captive throughout the entire game. I couldn't put it down. College was on break and I wasn't scheduled to work, so basically for an entire weekend, I played OoT. The game blew me away. From the Deku Tree to Ganon's Castle, The dungeons were expertly crafted, the gameplay was held up surprisingly well for a game that's old enough to drink, and the characters were all memorable (I can't stand that owl though). This was the kind of game that you can't help but just stare at the end credits scene after you complete it. Very few games have ever given me goosebumps after beating them, this one did. Ocarina of Time is something I wish I could experience for the first time over and over again. 10/10, it's tied with Twilight Princess for my favorite game ever (TP holds sentimental value for me, so I'm a little biased)

    submitted by /u/Gecko1911a1
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    [SS] Why Skyward Sword still has a chance on Switch.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:58 AM PST

    I think Skyward Sword HD will happen, and likely it will happen this year. However, I don't think it'll be perfect.

    • Can it happen: I think it can. Skyward Sword was largely panned at release for the excessive motion control and linear structure, but it has begun to get more praise recently, and the linear structure would feel very different from BOTW or BOTW 2.
    • Motion Controls: Skyward Sword HD would likely still have mandatory Motion Controls, and it may even require a new kind of Joy-Con like Wii Remote Plus. While this would leave Switch Lite owners out to dry somewhat, it could still function in tabletop mode. While a waggle-less Skyward Sword would be nice, the input variable is too complex to easily map to buttons and would likely be tedious to control.
    • Collection or Individual release: I think that Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD could be bundled together (perhaps alongside emulated re-releases of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask) Skyward Sword may be sold separately because the motion control requirement would be off-putting.

    EDIT: This post was drafted on Friday but postponed until today so as not to violate this subreddit's rules. I have corrected the post to fit 2021.

    submitted by /u/superluigi018
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    [Botw] This is the way

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 01:49 AM PST

    [MM] The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia is full of errors and contradictions and is terrible and should be non-canon.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:38 PM PST

    The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia is full or errors, contradictions and is terrible and should be non-canon.

    My least favorite new statement made is that "Termina is a dream-world created by Skull Kid" statement. It doesn't make sense, this has never even been a thing for the 20 years MM has been out. No mention in game or out. Termina's origins are partially explained in-game and in instruction booklets and is always referred to as a "parallel world."

    This book was written by no one high up in Nintendo and no one who worked on MM seemed to even work on the book. This book is loaded with formatting and spellinh errors and even factual errors such as stating that Hyrule Castle Town appeared in MM and also stating that Romani Ranch is in Hyrule. It also says things like the Kokiri were originally Hylians that moved into the forest (which doesn't even make sense and directly contradicts in-game dialogue from OOT.)

    It's terrible glorified fanfiction and the fact that different Zelda wikis declare it as canon is sad.

    submitted by /u/Acrobatic_Resolve_96
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    [OoT] Can "OoT is overrated" even be considered an unpopular opinion anymore?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 11:40 PM PST

    Ever since 2014, every time someone brings this game up, I always see a lot of people saying that it is overrated and not that good of a game. Heck, one guy even got like a 120+ upvotes just for saying something against this game. In fact I wouldn't even consider the game to be overrated anymore. Every time someone says"Unpopular opinion, I like X Zelda game to be better than Ocarina" 90% of the people just agree with that person. I mean, it honestly seems like a low hanging fruit at this point.

    submitted by /u/AWDgamer123
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    [ALL] Who is your favorite character in the franchise?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 10:03 PM PST

    [ALTTP] Missplaced Piece of Heart.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:48 AM PST

    I've been struggling finding the last Heart Piece before entering the Tower of Ganon! I've watched every videos on YouTube, but I already have all Pieces but one! I've tried finding it in the Chest Mini-Game! Please help me!

    submitted by /u/jugggggggh
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    [Ww] wind waker port for switch

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 03:55 PM PST

    Is it just me or would any of you want to see a port of Wind waker for switch? Since not many people got to play it on the wii u

    submitted by /u/ZazBoi
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    [MM] Playing Majora's Mask for the first time and...

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:00 PM PST

    I had just wrapped up the Snowhead Temple. It and the events prior had taken me a couple of hours because I'm pretty rubbish with puzzles and riddles. After I had FINALLY done it, I saved the game at an owl statue, thinking everything was fine.

    I opened the game later that evening because I wanted to see what happened if the moon landed in Clock Town. After being thoroughly terrified by what happens, I assumed I'd reload back at the owl.

    BUT NO!


    good game tho might be my fav Zelda game so far... :P

    submitted by /u/nowheremansaloser
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    [LoZ] ive only beaten one legend of zelda game

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 12:21 PM PST

    botw. one of the 3 legend of zelda games i own.

    what are all the loz games you have beaten

    submitted by /u/botw_fanyee
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    [SS] I would like to share with you this cover of a classic: Ballad of the goddess (25th anniversary version) on guitar

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 02:05 AM PST

    [LoZ] Zelda bead art / magnets / keychains

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:42 AM PST

    [ALL] I feel bad for the people of hyrule that had to stuff through so much.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 05:02 PM PST

    I mean having 7 years of the king of evil warping the land and having it be ravaged by monsters. Bring forced to live in caves. Being trapped in a shroud of twilight. Having a calamity brought onto them. But worst of all, the largest and worst thing to have ever happened to the people of hyrule. Getting slaughtered by the very gods they worshipped. Imagine living in peace for hundreds of years, worshipping the goddesses, sages and hero of time for saving them from the king of evil only for him to return. Praying so desperately to the hero of time and eventually the gods for them to save them only for them to have a select few go to the tops of mountain and leave the rest to be killed by Ganondorfs minions and those that live through that slaughtered by being drowned. I know the gods work in mysterious ways, but it really bit them in the ass in the end as link and the events of the WW were 100% just a big chance of the hero of winds beating Ganondorf, not only that but no one post game except for link and Zelda know about the goddesses

    submitted by /u/Bigfoot_samurai
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    [boTW] Major Test Of Strength

    Posted: 04 Jan 2021 12:26 AM PST

    So i've been trying to do the major test of strength shrines but I end up dying every time....any advice on how to do it and if i need any specific weapons that would help me.

    submitted by /u/cph001
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    [BoTW2] Do you think Sidon, Riju, Teba & Yunobo could become new champions after BoTW?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 07:33 AM PST

    They did contribute to helping rescue their Divine Beasts and stop problems that the Divine Beasts was created at their villages. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Pignite772
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    [AoC] Elemental Lynels

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 01:48 PM PST

    Has anyone gotten a good look at what the characters are that surround the 3 elemental lynels? Wanting to make some art of them but haven't been able to get a good screenshot of them and there's no art of them on the wiki yet.


    submitted by /u/TooBitToQuit
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    [WW] In the GameCube version, does it matter if I got Niko's photo for the figurine gallery? Or will Tetra's photo get Niko's figurine too?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2021 06:44 PM PST

    I'm trying to complete the figurine gallery on my first run, and got Niko's photo before Tetra's. Does it matter that I get Niko's figurine done before Tetra's?

    submitted by /u/gisellasaurus
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