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    Monday, January 18, 2021

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:00 AM PST

    Self-Post Sundays are our main discussion day. On those days we only allow text posts directly about the games themselves.

    This means no images, videos, etc. If you want more discussion of all things Zelda we suggest subscribing to /r/TrueZelda where every day it's text only.

    Want more Zelda today?

    How about you join our Official Partnered Discord here or visit one of these Zelda related subs to post your non-text only content.

    submitted by /u/ZeldaMod
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    [OTHER] My girls (5&3) played Zelda for the first time today.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:14 PM PST

    I grew up on Zelda.

    Mostly Legend of Zelda on NES in the early 90s whenever we got to go to my grandparents house. Eventually we got a Super Nintendo and fell in love with Link to the Past. I adored the game. Ocarina came out and I spent so much time I would make up my own "quests" and fight imaginary enemies within the game. Like slashing at nothing in some random grotto hole or in the field. I was sucked in.

    I've played every almost Zelda ad nauseam (only missed out on Spirit Tracks/Phantom Hourglass while in the military but played a little with ports on my laptop).

    I have a rather large Triforce tattooed with across my chest. It means a lot to me.

    Flash forward to 2019. I have two girls and I'm a proper adult. I've longed since sold my Wii and any other game system I owned. I assumed I'd never properly play another Zelda game as with a family it's really hard/impossible to justify dropping $360 on a Switch and Zelda game. So I resigned myself to scrolling the BOTW subreddit and watching videos on YouTube.

    But my grandparents found a used switch (no dock or anything) and gave it to me for my birthday. I was ecstatic. I was finally able to be Link again. And it was everything I remembered and loved.

    We were randomly gifted a free Wii last week and it came with Twilight Princess. Today I turned it on (works like a charm) and my girls played for the first time. They've seen me play the switch and know who Link is. But today they switched off back and forth on the nunchuck and the Wii remote. Running Link around Ordon village, and killing baddies while rescuing the monkey/boy.

    They loved it. My heart was happy. That is all.

    submitted by /u/badumdadumdadum
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    [SS] This is my take on Koloktos. Hope you enjoy ☺️

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:18 AM PST

    [All] My unpopular Zelda opinions.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:46 AM PST

    • The weapon durability in BotW doesn't deserve nearly as much hate as it gets. It actually works in favour of the game; as you'd be loaded with more items than you need if this particular mechanic was absent and the gameplay would feel really unbalanced.
    • I hear a lot of criticism against the game's story, but I think that the reason why this game's storytelling aspect isn't as coherent as the previous games is because you're supposed to create your own story. It's supposed to be your own personal adventure, which you embark on the moment you step out onto the Great Plateau and see the vast land of Hyrule in front of you. I think that this spirit of adventure hasn't been present in the series since the Gamecube days, and BotW really embraces it.
    • The 'nostalgia blind' argumen' against older games like Alttp and OoT is way overused. I mean, if those games are only good because of nostalgia, then why did the 3ds remake of OoT get such glowing reviews? A Link to the Past is still considered as one of the, if not the Best Zelda game and OoT still appears on and tops more GOAT outlets than any other game.
    submitted by /u/AWDgamer123
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    [OoT]Well...that sucks

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:54 AM PST

    [LA] I need more gameboy-Zelda remakes

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:51 PM PST

    I just beat Link's Awakening (Switch remake) for the first time a couple weeks ago. I loved it so much I beat it again on Hero mode. And now... I need more!!

    The reason I loved the Switch remake of Link's Awakening so much was that it was a much more understandable version of the classic gameboy game that I grew up playing. I never completed the gameboy version because I'd forget how to get to important places and kept getting lost, and I kept forgetting what my next objective even was. So, I gave up, and the mystery of whatever lay within the egg on top of Mount Tamaranch remained unsolved my entire life.

    All of that changed with the remake. Yes, the improved, cutesy graphics and remastered music totally enchanted me, but what really won me over were things like the world map, which made sure I was never lost. The removal of segmented screens, which made Koholint feel like one cohesive island, instead of dozens of little connected ones. The saved dialogue in the pause screen, which always made sure I knew what my next objective was. Etc.

    These adjustments have made the remake a more understandable game than the original; not an easier game. The puzzles are just as puzzling. The combat is just as hard (I died 76 times on Hero mode). Playing this remake was like taking a breath of fresh, challenging air.

    For these reasons I desperately wish for Nintendo to make similar remakes of Oracle of Ages/Seasons (two games that I played but never completed for the exact same reasons listed above), and all other 2D Zelda games for that matter. There's so much potential for these games and I would buy them in a heartbeat. Does anyone else feel the same?

    I'm praying to all the Goddesses of Hyrule that Nintendo will make it so. Who knows! Maybe we're in for a surprise during the 35th anniversary.

    submitted by /u/ten_baby_goats
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    [MC] I loved the music in The Minish Cap

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 02:54 PM PST

    I just finished a playthrough of The Minish Cap. As I was doing a Zelda marathon on Twitch, there's a lot I missed in terms of gameplay, but one thing that stood out to me was the music.

    The game had some really good music, and I was very pleased to hear music from the previous games (and even music from different franchises) used, either in their entirety, or a sample here and there, or a new piece that was clearly inspired by other songs in other Zelda games.

    I smiled at hearing the Warp Whistle from Mario 3 every time I played the Ocarina, thought back on Ocarina of Time whenever I entered a house or shop, and enjoyed hearing bars of the Death Mountain / Dark World theme when climbing Mt. Crenel.

    I don't normally pay attention to songs in games, and didn't really notice BoTW's lack of music until it was pointed out to me, but this time I did notice because a lot of the songs were familiar, and the soundtrack was just well done for a GBA game as well.

    The game really felt like a love letter from Capcom / Nintendo to the Zelda Franchise, and I loved it.

    submitted by /u/davidgrayPhotography
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    [MM] Did you like or dislike The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask? The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Intro & Title Screen, Collector's Edi...

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 03:41 PM PST

    [MM] I crafted Majora's Mask for my living room.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 10:26 PM PST

    [OTHER] Just found this interesting new take on Zelda's Lullaby

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:01 AM PST

    I dunno, I just thought it was kinda cool.


    submitted by /u/Benchapicho
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    [BoTW] I don't think we will EVER hear of "Zonai" again.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:57 AM PST

    Zelda fans... You are an obsessive bunch. One thing that keeps popping up in my YT feed are videos analyzing Breath of the Wild and referring to art books citing that those bird statues are remnants of a civilization called "The Zonai". It's gotten to a point where almost all new content that shows up is like "What Breath of the Wild 2 could reveal about the Zonai!" and I just wanna do a little reality check. I could be totally wrong but I sincerely doubt Nintendo actually invested anything in this idea of this forerunner civilization. The bird statues are some of the earliest "ruins" assets of the game, shown in the Game Awards 2014 sneak peek footage, and it's likely just a symbol to suggest "hey, you live in a far future after several previous species and civilizations had their rise and fall." That's all it is.

    Just like the mysterious tribe that made Majora's Mask some things are not meant to be "revealed". It's just very unlikely that Nintendo will ever refer to this Zonai thing ever again, and even something like "Malice" I think might be thrown out the window because typically Nintendo makes every game, including direct sequels, in a fashion where new ideas they thought were fun take precedent over previous concepts. Simply put, there is probably going to be no relation between the Shiekah Slate and the Green Spirit Hand and there is likely no new information about the Zonai Ruins just because it's a sequel. It's much more likely that we will see all new landmarks that contain their own BoTW2-exclusive mysteries for the sake of revitalizing Hyrule with all-new things to see and explore. That is the Nintendo way.

    Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

    submitted by /u/linkenski
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    [OC] [OTHER] Zelda Game Idea! Uniting the Timelines!

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:36 PM PST

    Plot AND gimmick revolve around reuniting the triforce and the timelines. Good old world-swapping adventure where the alternate worlds are the different versions of Hyrule from the across the timeline.

    Major idea for the plot is that the split in OoT not only split the timeline, but split the power of the triforce, too. Each timeline has only one piece of the True Triforce, according to which wielder was "victorious" in the conflict.

    The game starts in the TP timeline, the most neutral of the three, where Ganondorf was tried and convicted legally, representing a victory for Wisdom. As this is the one with the True Triforce of Wisdom, the local Zelda is kidnapped by the villain, and the player Link sets out to stop them.

    Cue three dungeons of forest, lake, and volcano, and a close encounter with the villain that results in gates across time being opened all over the kingdom.

    In the aftermath, Link meets a mentor spirit who explains the timeline split and the breaking of the triforce, and introduces travel between the worlds. By the player's choice, they arrive in either New Hyrule, or Ruined Hyrule.

    New Hyrule is set in the future after WW, and is experiencing a magi-industrial boom! As this timeline exists after Link successfully defeats Ganondorf in battle, but then abandons the timeline, the True Triforce of Courage is lost somewhere in this kingdom. Steampunk-esque devices abound, and all the dungeon items from this timeline are gadgets. The player will meet Link, an apprentice Inventor, who will help the player Link get accustomed to the fast paced world of New Hyrule, and may even assist in exploring the sewer, temple, and snowy peak dungeons.

    Ruined Hyrule is set in the timeline where Ganondorf successfully took control of Hyrule, and is marred by the frequent wars as Ganon is resurrected and slain again and again. This timeline holds the True Triforce of Power, sealed away by the royal family, and features a desolate, frontier vibe. The player will meet Link, a traveling hunter who will warn the player about the dangers of this world, and may help explore the cavern, desert, and lightning peak dungeons found in this timeline.

    After finding the pieces of the True Triforce, but having them snatched away by the villain, the Links pursue them to the void between timelines, where the villain hopes to command the full power of the True Triforce to rule all three timelines. They successfully defeat the villain, and prepare to go their separate ways, but decide to unite their worlds using the power of the Triforce instead.

    Thoughts? Criticism? Obviously it likely will never happen, but I like the space for 3-way world swapping and timeline shenanigans.

    submitted by /u/Pixel3r
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    [OoT] Who is the Kokiri Salesman?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:35 PM PST

    Okay, so I started playing Ocarina of Time for the first time this year, as is tradition; and while gathering the rupees for the Kokiri Shield, I noticed this dude for the first time since... well, all the time!

    Who is he? The salesman at Kokiri Shop?

    Because as we know, Kokiri are children who don't age at all, and have been like that for what can be presumably thousands of years. But then, you remember that people who wander into the forest (and yes, the game specifically says "forest", not just Lost Woods) will inevitably end up as Skull Kids, or Stalfos. You can even tell that he has been there for quite some time, he has an autographed portrait of Malo in his wall, which means he knows who Malo is. And that the girl inside the shop will tell you how he sells things you can find for free in the forest (who is he selling things to, then?)

    This has gotten me way too deep in this rabbit whole, but the world needs an answer to this question: who is the grown-up salesman that sells you your shield for the first time? Is he a human who found a profitable way to do business with children's rupees and the Great Deku Tree was so pleased that he gave him diplomatic immunity from undeadness? Or is he a regular Kokiri? If so, why has he aged? And who buys from him?

    Or, what's more, am I looking too hard into a character you spend less than two minutes talking to in the whole game?

    the world may never truly know

    submitted by /u/R_towers
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    [MC] Timeline Question

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 06:17 PM PST

    I'm so confused!!! In skyward sword, Link came to posses the light source. Yet in minish cap this version of Link is given the light source by the Minish! Is there no continuity when it comes to the light source??? I like following timelines, but thats just confusing.

    submitted by /u/Lifelovejoy1996
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    [SS] Island In The Sky [OC, Piano Cover]

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:16 AM PST

    [ALL] Favorite sword

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:42 PM PST

    [ALL] I'm going to introduce The Legend of Zelda series to my girlfriend, who never played any Zelda games before! Any tips for her?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 04:04 PM PST

    She is not a "gamer" at all, but I showed to her a book about The Legend of Zelda, explained the lore, timeline, etc. briefly and now she is REALLY excited to play!

    I have Breath of the Wild, but as that game is sooo away from the traditional Zelda formula, I've been thinking if I should start with her with another game (maybe the original 1989 Zelda for the NES for example? Or Link's awakening HD that I have here on my switch as well).

    So which Zelda game do you guys think a newcomer to the series should start playing? OoT? MM? TP? Or simply BotW?

    submitted by /u/leob0505
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