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    Monday, November 11, 2019

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - November 11, 2019

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - November 11, 2019

    Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - November 11, 2019

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:06 AM PST

    From the rule in the sidebar:

    Feel free to post news about new official merchandise whenever you like but for unofficial goods, or photos of your personal collection, please post them on Merchandise Mondays.

    The sub gets filled with people taking photos of their collections, their amiibos, their copy of [insert game here] as well as people wanting to sell you stuff. So we limit it to Monday's so it doesn't over take the sub.

    Brand new official merchandise announcements are allowed any day of the week, just unofficial merch or photos of your own merch is limited to today!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [BoTW2]Ganondorf in BOTW 2

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 06:34 PM PST

    How do you think he will be resurrected?

    We haven't seen him since 2006! It's been way due. I'm glad he hasn't been overused though; he is the best villain IMO in gaming history.

    I'm really hoping the game is more story-driven. I loved the open world and BOTW had some great NPCs, but, as a game it just felt lackluster to me. I missed real dungeons and real bosses.

    A story surrounding Ganondorf remembering the events of OoT thousands of years later would be sooooo epic and so aweswome.

    submitted by /u/wshsdude28
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    [SS] Skyward Sword: A Masterpiece. My Write up on why SS isn’t what the community makes it sound like.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 07:51 AM PST

    Skyward Sword: A Masterpiece (IMHO)...

    Now, I know what you're thinking. "Ew skyward sword. Motion controls. Some game breaking glitches. Gross!! Terrible!". Although, I think too many people focus on those things and downplay Skyward Sword for the masterpiece that it is. In my opinion, it's the best written Zelda game of all time. Yes, even more than OOT.

    Why? Well let's start out.

    •Plot - TLoZ: SS has quite literally the best plot of all. It seems like a typical Zelda game though, right? Go from zero to Hero and complete dungeons to get strong and beat the evil, right? It's more than that. The plot gives us SO MUCH new lore to the Zelda series. From the building of the master sword, to the first OG reincarnation of the hero "Link". The one who would be set to take on the evil demon king, Demise. We get lore not only on Link, Master Sword but Ganon/Ganondorf as well. It's where it all started, where the curse came from that would haunt Hyrule and the Goddesses Golden Land for all eternity. For those reasons alone, I think it's the center piece of all Zelda. It's the birth, the creation, and a most beautiful sense of engagement. The creation of the world, the start of Faron. The start of the Hylian Civilization. Everything started here in skyloft. The creation of the Hylian Shield.

    •Characters, development and emotion:

    Link- Ah yes, our amazing Hero clad in green. A lazy knight who has potential but just doesn't push himself hard enough. Usually found hanging out with Zelda and often bullied due to his closeness with her. Link is a Knight Academy student. He's kindhearted, always smiling and willing to help anybody, he's also clever and snarky as one of his lines to groose is, "nice hair." (Don't ever change, Link). No matter the circumstances, he will always smile. Link in this game (as well as with many others) shows the most emotion. Link at one moment goes from being the saddest, most broken hearted individual to a man with who sees nothing but red. . The emotion Link shows throughout the game is on par, for me even better, than the emotion Link shows in WW.

    Zelda - Yes, our Goddess reincarnate. A light hearted, flirty, and overall amazing girl. One who has no problem with pushing Link off a cliff , or will seal herself away if it means her friends can be safe. She's righteous and doesn't tolerate people getting bullied/picked on and isn't afraid to stand up for others. She goes from a wise child, spending her days soaking the sunlight in sky loft and being with Link, to taking on the Goddess Hylias job. Not saying this is a major feat, as this is most Zeldas, but hers I believe stands out the most. Brace and true to her word, Zelda is a great character. Going from a regular lady to the savior of the world without any hesitation, without any pressure from young age that "you must unlock your power! You have to!" She never complained, she insisted that if it was for her people, her land, her friends. She has no second doubt.

    Groose - Come on, don't act like you never saw it coming. Groose is an amazing character. Going from being self centered (I mean come on, he had the SICKEST pompadour in town...) and picking on Link. To which he would literally jump off the cliff of skyloft to chase down Link in hopes of hurting him. To being a hero and acting in selfless service in his own right. He willingly stays back to defend off the evil cucumber with his own canon, the Groosenator. He even gives Impa a hug after seeing she's okay and willingly stays back to protect her. Even standing up against Ghirahim knowing full well he doesn't stand a chance, only to protect Impa.

    Ghirahim - speaking of the crazy bastard... this guy is hands down my favorite villain. Stunning, elegant, crazy and a mastermind. As powerful as he is smart. This man does not accept defeat, willing to go blow for blow against the hero. Can vanish at the speed of light, and is a mind boggling antagonist. His motives are to serve his dark lord, demise. There's a lot to say about Ghirahim, but I'll keep it short. This man is well written, and an excellent reoccurring enemy throughout the series. He is the opposite of Fi, the blade of Demise. His plan to resurrect the demon king Demise was successful, even after death. The man is a true genius.

    Fi - Not going to spend too much time on Fi. Fi is genderless according to Aonuma. Fi is a blades spirit, and they complete that role I believe perfect. Although It is annoying with the whole "batteries" and "health is low". It's great that Fi has a mind of its own, and it chooses its master at will despite the Goddesses choice. Fi is the soul that resides in the Master Sword and is the all knowing creature that decides if the reincarnated Hero is worthy of its power or not. Usually by sending the hero to multiple quests in order to obtain its true power. Fi isn't just a soul of a blade, but rather an intelligent being. Singing and teaching Link songs and chords. Fi also is the Holy Spirit that is Key in defeating Ganondorf/Ganon in future games. The master sword is one of the few weapons that can destroy/seal away Ganon. And it's worth noting that they are capable of doing so.

    Demise - What an amazingly written character. Demise is the true, absolute central of all things hatred, dark and evil. Demise, could not care a world for who you are, and thrives in darkness believing that he is the all mighty. Before battle he tells Link, "Ah, so you've decided to meet your end in battle after all. It pleases me greatly to see such misplaced valor, human." He refers to Link as just Human, and doesn't acknowledge him. Of course all Ganondorf/Ganon are this way, but they usually acknowledged Link of being brave or "making it this far". No, Demise is pure hatred and hell. You will not impress him, you will not make him scared the slightest. His power, so great, that he can create a whole different universe just for battle. Before battle he tells Link, "Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings, for where we stand shall serve as your tomb for eternity." Pretty confident right? Yes, until he loses. See most Ganondorf/Ganon curse Link and Zelda after being defeated. They think that something shouldn't, and that there's "no way" this kid should defeat them. However, Demise is a smart man. He truly puts his own ego behind and acknowledges Link after being defeated, stating, "Extraordinary. You stand as a paragon of your kind, human. You fight like no man or demon I have ever known. Though this is not the end." I think this is a great showing of the new respect he has for Link. Instead of just a big "F YOU ILL BE BACK" (which he kinda does do)... he gives his respects to Link, as he well deserves them.

    Link and Zeldas relationship - They go from friends, to lovers, to heroes. One quite literally cannot go without the other. I think it's amazing how even though Link and her are such close friends, after tears spill for her and the drive he has to save her... he still acknowledges her as the righteous Goddess of the land. I think the respect he has for her is only shown on par as Link in BotW. The amount of trust between the two and their relationship is amazing.

    Link and Groose - I'll keep this short. Link and Groose go from hating each other, trash talking and picking on each other. To being heroes and almost best friends.


    Won't spend too much time here, instead ill Link some videos. I truly believe SS has the best Zelda songs created, even if their remade in a better tone.

    My personal favorites

    Ballad of the Goddess - For me, this truly captures a sense of adventure.

    Fi's Gratitude "Before I enter the sleep that calls me to the sword, I wish to relay you words that I recorded many times over the course of our journey. Many have said them to you thus far, but I now wish to say them for myself, Thank you, Master Link." Most of Links companions leave. But this one hits home. The heartfelt emotion, the sadness of leaving a true friend. All captured into notes. Beautiful.

    Final Demise - To me, this song says "This is it, Kid. Are you worthy? Are you ready? It's live or die. This is for you, for Zelda, and all your friends. It's now or never." The upbeat tempo and battle drums really capture the importance and impact. Leaving chills as you sweat nervously. This is it. This is what everything was for.

    Gate of Time - I love this song because it, like many others, captures the scenery perfect. The hollow drums, the harp. It really is sad, it feels as if you really are saying goodbye, going into another realm, knowing you may never be back... it's almost as if I could see this playing at a funeral. It could be goodbye, forever. But it's a beautiful thing.


    As much as I'd love to go dungeon by dungeon, this is already getting long. But the implementation of the wii mote to solve riddles was beautiful. Amazing soundtrack and incredible, INCREDIBLE bosses and mini bosses.... except you, Mike Wizowskis wife. Scervo is probably my favorite mini boss of all time.

    •Small things:

    Meeting the dragon gods was for me, amazing. I thought it was great being able to meet the Dragon Gods, incredibly neat.

    Shield and Bow upgrading, I loved it all. Great way to keep the player invested in collecting items.

    The introduction to Levias, no more words needed.

    Crafting the master sword is honestly one of the best feelings a Zelda player can get. You literally create the legendary blade that every hero will use. What a feeling.

    Edit: I forgot to include the Wrap Up.

    In short, I think Skyward Sword is an amazing masterpiece that really gave us so much goodness for a Zelda game. It saddens me to think that people hate this game because "oh motion controls bad" or "but there's a game breaking glitch" or "fi annoying" and not appreciate the game for what it's truly worth. Honestly, if you are somebody who hates the game for those reasons, I strongly encourage you to play it again and focus hard on the incredible story, sounds and characters and not just "motion controls/bad Fi".

    submitted by /u/evermillion81
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    [TP][BOTW][HW] These are some crayon portraits of Link I drew yesterday evening

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:53 AM PST

    [oc] [oot] a sheik sketch i'm really proud of

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:36 AM PST

    [LAHD] [OC] Made some fan art in math class

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:00 AM PST

    [BoTW] Is it worth buying a Switch, just for BOTW (2019)?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 11:08 PM PST

    This has been asked before on this Reddit, and I've seen many a post saying that this game needs to be played period. But I'm curious to see what the current consensus is.

    submitted by /u/darkjedi70
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    [OoT] Arbitrary Code Execution (ACE) is now possible in Ocarina of Time

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Video explanation by Fig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoEmGCNsbno

    Arbitrary Code Execution (ACE) is now possible in OoT. For the uninitiated, ACE essentially means that you can craft your own assembly instructions, allowing for total control of the game. So far, there are some restrictions on what exactly can be achieved with this ACE method, but it lays the foundation for potentially limitless possibilities for what can be achieved within OoT.

    This is pretty much the holiest of holy grail of glitches. It's the biggest discovery ever made for Ocarina of Time.

    submitted by /u/terrence_oni
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    [ST] I've just finished Spirit Tracks for the first time

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 10:44 AM PST


    I came to ST a little bit disappointed by Phantom Hourglass. While I overall enjoyed the game quite a lot, I ended disappointed by its soundtrack (had a few very good original songs, but not enough), and felt the Temple of the Ocean King was a good idea that unfortunately wasn't implemented correctly.

    Well, I was instantly very much relieved to hear that Spirit Tracks sounds much better than its predecessor, with a lot of original tracks (pun intended). It was a delight for me to listen to the game as I was playing it, definitely one of the strong point of the game to me. Delight I didn't feel when I first stepped into the Tower of Spirits.

    Fortunately, the ToW doesn't force us to go through the same floors several times during the game, and allows us to quickly defeat the Phantoms, and even control them though Princess Zelda.

    While I was at first let down when I realised Tetra wasn't in the game (which didn't really change when I first saw how Zelda could be childish), I quickly grew fond of Zelda. Her freak-out when she learned what the bad guys wanted to do with her body was quite funny, and I found her interactions with Link charming. Even more so as they grow closer through the game, (I'll be honest, seeing them holding their hands at the end made me unreasonably happy). Overall, I think she's my second favourite partner so far (after Midna) and my favourite Zelda in terms of character growth. Another strong point for me.

    Quite like PH, I go back-and-forth with respect to the gameplay. I like the use of stylus, in particular when we use it move around Link and interact with the menu/items/npcs. However, I don't like it so much when it comes to the fighting system. PH/ST are the only games where performing a Spin Attack almost feels like a challenge. I wouldn't call it bad, just not as satisfying as the regular controls. Another problem with the gameplay is the use of the microphone. Performing the Lokomo songs was really hard, probaly much harder than initially intended.

    I don't mind the overall lack of difficulty of the game. It's been there since WW and while I love the tension I used to feel in the older games (pre-WW), I'm really happy with the difficulty I found in this game.

    I know some (many ?) don't like the train mechanism. I do. I'm probably biased because I like trains (like TomSka) since I was a kid, so I was very excited about controlling a train (I chose the Engineer ending for this reason). It was sometimes a pain in the ass to complete the fetch quests (although I loved the gratitude-based rewards leading to new tracks), and the warp system was maybe the worst (or less good) in the series, but the soundtrack made it all ok for me (that and blowing my train whistle). It was also frustrating at times to be "stuck" on the rails, but never enough to spoil the experience for me.

    I really liked the dungeons, in particular the Blizzard Temple and Desert Temple (Snow and Sand Temple outside of Europe I believe), and like in PH, found the boss battles overall very good, and original in their use of the items combined with the DS system.

    I know Spirit Tracks is very divisive among the fans, and I can understand why (it felt like a roller-coaster with the highs and lows I experimented). However, I still think the game is a positive addition to the franchise ad would recommend anyone to give it a serious try.

    Now, it's time for me to try Skyward Sword. Hopefully I'll be able to play it tomorrow

    Edit: I forgot to say I loved the art during the intro sequence with Niko (I also loved the one in PH) as well as the art during the credits, they were very cute.

    submitted by /u/Naethor
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    [BOTW2] An interesting, but unlikely concept i’d like to see for the game.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 07:43 PM PST

    The concept would be two different story routes. The concept would be to destroy the darkness or revive the light. One path would involve trying to eradicate the remaining malice (darkness), and one path would be to leave the malice alone and instead increase the green squiggly stuff(light) in the trailer (for an explained reason). Both decisions would have some type of weight, and could influence the story and how the game would play. For example: Choosing to "revive the light", could change the difficulty and how things would play, as you're still allowing malice to spread (which would create more obstacles). Trying to "destroy the darkness" would also have it's difficulties, as you would have less "light" to use to combat it.

    Also, imagine if Zelda is playable this time around. It shows them getting split up in the trailer, so this could make perfect sense. If Nintendo wouldn't want to do fully separate storylines, they could probably find a way to still incorporate Zelda and Link into both routes.

    An interesting detail that made me think of this concept, was that Link seems to be the only one to interact with the green stuff, while Zelda seemingly interacts with the skeleton (that seems like the cause of the malice in the cave). The destroy the darkness narrative could fit Zelda, as she was tasked to seal away/defeat Ganon. The revive the light narrative could fit Link, as he had to essentially "revive" or restore Hyrule, by defeating Ganon. Both narratives could fit each character one way or another. Despite how unlikely this is, I know that whatever Nintendo has in store is gonna be amazing!

    submitted by /u/indigovogo
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    [LAHD] How long did it take you guys to get the chamber stone from the 60 inch fish?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:49 AM PST

    This is pure RNG and I hate it. I've been trying for hours, but the highest I've gotten is 56 inches. And then most of the time a special fish isn't even in the pond and I have to just run around until the light is there again.

    submitted by /u/CrashDunning
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    [TP] Wondering if there are any mods for Twilight Princess Wii to make it more like the Gamecube version

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:18 PM PST

    Wondering if there's a mod for Twilight Princess Wii to make it more like the Gamecube version, like flipping the screen back and using a Gamecube controller. Sorry if this is a stupid question.

    submitted by /u/dawgooo23
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    [All] Does anyone else accidentally overlook a specific switch/item in a dungeon and then replay the whole thing looking for it?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 07:14 PM PST

    I'm working through Twilight Princess and got to the top of part of one of the dungeons (trying to avoid spoilers) and was so focused on other objects in the room that I completely missed there was a ladder to climb and hit a switch.

    I do this way too often. Then I go back to the rest of the dungeon and go around in circles looking for what I might have missed instead of staying at the edge of my unknown territory.

    Does anyone else do this? I think I need to put a note on my controller to remind me not to do it.

    submitted by /u/SilverBlazed
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    [BOTW2] do you think we’re going to have the master cycle? Would you want the master cycle implemented in the game?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 07:39 AM PST

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