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    Monday, June 29, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - June 29, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - June 29, 2020

    Today is Merchandise Monday. So you can post your collections, boxes, photos of your game, a cool t-shirt your found, etc today only! - June 29, 2020

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    From the rule in the sidebar:

    Feel free to post news about new official merchandise whenever you like but for unofficial goods, or photos of your personal collection, please post them on Merchandise Mondays.

    The sub gets filled with people taking photos of their collections, their amiibos, their copy of [insert game here] as well as people wanting to sell you stuff. So we limit it to Monday's so it doesn't over take the sub.

    Brand new official merchandise announcements are allowed any day of the week, just unofficial merch or photos of your own merch is limited to today!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [ALL] the desert areas are always my least favorite parts of a zelda game

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    I know the water temples/areas usually get a lot of dislike, but i enjoy (they're not my favorite but they're fun).

    however i have yet to play a zelda game where the desert/gerudo desert which is any fun, it feels like a chore to slog through it

    part of it is the nature of the landscape, it feels so empty compared to other areas. the few enemies you encounter aren't particularly memorable. the lore from those areas pale in comparison to the rest of hyrule - which is odd considering ganon comes from the gerudo desert.

    botw did the best job - i loved those blinded statues which held swords pointing to a secret. the weapon design was interesting.

    still it felt empty and more of a slog - i saved it for the end of the game and completed it last. and of all the champions, urbosa was the least interesting.

    i think one way to make the area more interesting in future games is to really hammer home the connection to ganon - maybe tie some mystery to the location.

    submitted by /u/nickmillerwallet
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    [ALL] [OC] Updated the timeline a bit, ask any question you have in the comments :)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    [BoTW] BoTW illustration I started yesterday - love me some koroks!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    [OoT] Dark! Narrow! Scary! - Well of Three Features

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    I cant sleep and I've been thinking about the brilliance of the sign by the well in Kakariko Village in OOT that you see as a kid. You might not even bother to read it, but if you do, you see the sign mentioned in the title and you might find it kind of funny.

    For me it reminded me of the sign in Links Awakening when the sign for Mysterious Woods adds (it's a little bit mysterious) for comedic effect. So, as a kid, reading this sign for the well made me think it was just a passing gag, and considering the well appeared dried up I just thought it was put up by someone who had been either a scaredy cat or had a flair for the dramatic.

    This is all deliberate, and it is absolutely brilliant computer game storytelling. I emphasise computer game, because if a film were made of this, the narrative would be forced to have a character either speak of the well, or Link choose to read the sign. Both would prompt the interested viewer to ask why they had highlighted something so innocuous, and the more smart viewer would deduce this was less than subtle foreshadowing for later. But in game, the viewer makes the choice to read the sign. It is not mentioned much anywhere else. But the sign is placed in such a way that most people will read it. It is deliberately light touch foreshadowing that makes the late developments in the village so much more dramatic.

    One of the things most brilliant about the game is making the familiar unfamiliar, or extending our view of what we thought we knew about a place. The Sacred Grove, with its apparent dead end, suddenly becomes an entrance to a whole new temple. The Shadow Temple hidden above the graveyard. Kokiri Forest going from safe childhood haven to overrun with monsters. And, for me, suddenly seeing that Kakariko Village has had a heart of darkness hidden in plain sight all along beats them all.

    No other game has done this so effectively, if at all. Botw doesn't even try, in fact it does the opposite. Everything is about finding new places, constantly exploring until everything is mapped. Majoras Mask depicts a world in constant flux, so everything is constantly unfamiliar (something which is wonderful in its own right and deserves its own essay), while TP and WW have nods to it, but for me the mistake with TP was to begin the game with the world feeling unfamiliar already. I mean, you're a dog, entering a world of people trapped by invisible creatures. It's good, but surely the impact might have been heavier had this disaster happened mid game, like it does in Ocarina.

    One last thing: the moment you enter the burning village hits hard not only because it shatters the sense of familiarity, but because Zelda so rarely does this to locations. Again this copies Links Awakening, as after the first dungeon you return to your peaceful village to find a sudden catastrophe and change in music. This is highly effective and helps not only make the world feel real as characters live their lives without you being there, but also creates a sense of almost real time urgency in the narrative that you don't get so much elsewhere apart from arbitrary timers on some boss fights and escort missions. To return home and see it changed, to see the once familiar suddenly unfamiliar- for me, that is when Zelda storytelling is greatest. And the cut scenes involved last barely a minute. I spend half the time in Witcher 3 watching people talk. Half Life 2 was for me the only other game that knew how to tell its story in a purely game like way.

    I'll stop now as my thumbs are cramping up. I hope having divested myself of these thoughts I might finally manage to get some shut eye...

    submitted by /u/noradosmith
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    [BotW] Sidon Multilanguage | Sidon speaking in every language of the game

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    [ALL] Does anyone remember this old fan-fic from maybe 2004-2005?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:06 AM PDT

    Does anyone else remember this particular old fan-fic??

    I'm talking like over a decade old probably by now...but I remember reading it post-Wind Waker maybe in like 2004-2005. It was a fan-fic that was multiple chapters long that essentially summarized the events of every game and filled in the history in between games creating an entire history of Hyrule and shows where each game came into play in it. It was updated pretty regularly I think and had its own website. It was this strange blend of stuff we already know from the games plus completely original stuff.

    I remember one of the most interesting chapters went into detail of how Hyrule ended up flooded. There was also a romance between Link and Rito during the post-Wind Waker arc (because that game still didn't have any sequels back then).

    I don't know why I'm thinking about this now but reddit is a big place and maybe someone else around my age or older will know what I'm talking about. I think the old website was "bookofmadura" or something.

    submitted by /u/GameOverBros
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    [ALL] Rank the 3D Zelda Dungeons based on puzzle difficulty

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    Rank all the 3D Zelda dungeons by puzzle difficulty

    submitted by /u/6th_Dimension
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    [ALTTP] Review

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    [ALTTP] I beat this game for the first time today, and it was a blast the whole way through. Now I want to review it so I can maybe convince others to give this a try. (This is the 1st review I've ever written, and I'm trying to make this as unbiased as I can, so give me some feedback in the comments please) Sure, this game's really old, nearly 3 decades old at the time I'm writing this, but I assure you that if you're a Zelda fan, this is a must play. I'll try not to spoil anything if you've never picked up this game, and I won't be using a number rating, as I've heard they're not very good for rating games. Anyways, onto the review:

    TL:DR - Graphics hold up well and convey different atmospheres.

    Soundtrack fits different moods and atmospheres in the game. Sound design conveys what you just did really well and is satisfying to hear.

    Gameplay - Well balanced and satisfying with secrets to find everywhere, but a bit too easy or too hard at times.

    Story - Nice twist near the end and one of the first to unfold as game goes on, instead of told all at the title screen like LoZ or AoL.

    Graphics - The graphics in this game are great for the time it was released in. Areas like the Lost Woods and Death Mountain looked especially gorgeous to me, and in my opinion, the developers used an excellent choice of colour palettes to convey different atmospheres between the alternate worlds. Animation is used extremely well in this game, for example when Link's hurt, you can see his eyes pop out, which adds to the immersion factor. Layering is used well to convey mystery and danger in areas like Skull Woods. They still hold up well today and sprites convey what everything is with no confusion.

    Soundtrack and Sound Design - The soundtrack in this game is amazing. It's one of the best in the SNES library (but nothing beats Diddy's Kong-Quest) and features many catchy tunes, like the Dark World theme and others. When an exciting part is reached, such as a boss fight or you talk to the wrong villager in Kakariko, the music changes accordingly and fits the mood. Koji Kondo did an excellent job with this game's score, but unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot of music in this game. I would've liked it if each individual dungeon had its own theme, as Dungeon of Shadows got pretty grating to me after a while. The sound design is satisfying and conveys the action you just made. For example, using your sword gives out a fast slash sound, and if an enemy is hit and affected by it , a satisfying fleshy sort of sound is given off(I don't really know how to describe it) and tells you that said enemy can be defeated with the sword. However, if you take the sword and hit an enemy that can't be defeated with it, like the Buzz Blob or the Terrorpin, an unsatisfying sound is given off in the form of a buzz or a click that sounds like you hit a solid wall. Little things like this guide players on how to go about defeating an enemy and add to the experience in my opinion.

    Gameplay - If the original Legend of Zelda invented a unique and brand new formula, this game took that formula and multiplied it by 10. It borrows the best of Zelda 1 and 2, like the towns of Zelda 2 which made the game feel both more alive and more lonely within the parallel worlds and the magic meter, as well as the vast overworld of Zelda 1. The difficulty is much more balanced than the previous two Zelda games, which were NES hard by default (don't get me started on Zelda 1's 2nd quest or Death Mountain from Zelda 2). However, many of the bosses were easier than I would've liked, but a certain worm, moth and pig were way too hard, and I had to savestate to beat them. The dungeons are very well designed for the most part, but it takes too much time in some dungeons to trek all the way back to the boss' room, and many of their puzzles are a bit too easy to figure out. I would've liked if more dungeons were three quarters as big and as complex as Level 8, or if they were as complex as Level 6. If you ran out of magic for some bosses you were screwed and just had to die then goof around trying to restore your health and magic. The parallel worlds are packed with secrets to find and a few mysteries to solve, with some being optional and all, I repeat, all of them will aid you in your quest. This means that messing around in the overworld, trying to find random things will help you no matter what. The overworld's meant for exploring, so if you start playing this game, go for it! The town is filled with people who you can chat to if you need a break, and some will give you helpful things or give tips and pointers. As you gain more hitpoints and upgrade your weapons, the previously threatening enemies become child's play and give you the sense that you're becoming more powerful. When you first get to a certain point in the game, the enemies are way too hard to defeat, and it slightly ruins the experience as in my playthrough, I died over and over again while trying to explore. The items are mostly balanced, with many having a limit on the amount you can use, and some use the magic meter which you have to go out of your way to replenish, which discourages players from spamming spells and forces them to think more carefully about how they'll use their magic. For example, the Pegasus Boots allow for faster travel, but bumping into a wall makes Link repel backwards, slowing down travel, so there's also that to think about in traversal of the overworld. Some weapons work better on different types of enemies and bosses, so it's fun to try everything and see how you can defeat them more efficiently. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in my experience, there were very little cryptic moments, which allows for anyone to get this game and not have to buy a guide to beat it (furiously gazes at LoZ and AoL) which is a huge step up from previous entries. However, the game never gives you too much information, keeping the experience fun to go through and evoking satisfaction when you discover a Heart Piece or get a new item. Things needed to beat the game are for the most part told to you and not made secret like previous entries, and the real secrets are kept secret. All of these elements combine together to form a unique gameplay experience like no other and evokes a sense of discovery and satisfaction at every corner.

    Story - This was one of the first stories to unfold as the game went on, making it advanced in that regard for its time, and there's even a fair bit of lore at the title screen if you wait long enough. It's no Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy 6, but it's got a cool twist at the end and has a bit of emotional impact to me. Overall, it's a good story, but not extremely deep.

    Overall, these different aspects of the game blend together and form something truly amazing and exciting to play. Link to the Past is my favourite Zelda game that I've played so far, thanks to the ambition of Miyamoto and his team. I hope this review has convinced you to go and play ALTTP if you haven't already.

    submitted by /u/PokeMo3043
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    [BOTW] [BOTW2] What's up with the opening tapestry?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    I know it's probably just a stylistic choice but the depiction of the hero facing Ganon surrounded by the guardians got me thinking. Specifically the red hair. He has a yellow thing on his sword hand and I'm assuming that's the triforce but the wild red hair makes me think of Demise or that the hero went super saiyan or something. That and the sword is a weird shape. But like I said, stylistic choices. It's just that when Zelda is already depicted as blonde and the color of the hero's hair is about the same color as the reds on Ganon... Idk seems like they're building up something.

    submitted by /u/zziggarot
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    [ALL] Which zeldas has the most positive ending? And from these zeldas suggested, which of these comes nearest/closest to being the most positive light-hearted story overall?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    To specify, by positive + light-hearted,

    1. There can be events that are commonly seen as negative
    2. But so long as the story approaches the whole thing in a positive + light-hearted way, then it could count. It is ultimately about how something like a story or game is done
    3. But ofc a story that doesn't have negative events while still being positive + light-hearted would obviously be nearest/closest to being the most positive light-hearted story overall
    4. Has to be positive + light-hearted, not either-or. Non-mutually exclusive

    I think all Zeldas are positive but none are light-hearted. The main theme of every story is usually to heal someone/everyone physically and emotionally. There's always a sense of dread and sorrow in Hyrule that you, as Link, must heal.

    See https://www.reddit.com/r/truezelda/comments/hgxgh8/which_zelda_to_the_best_of_your_skill_has_the/fw7j3qf/

    I think people are going too far with what they consider "dark" here, because something as simple as a villain who wants to take over the world is present in tons of children's media. I wouldn't consider it dark if it's all done in a whimsical tone.

    No one would argue that the Zelda games that are rated E are done so wrongly, so that's probably a good starting point. u/Whelt

    Here are the options players have thought:

    • Link Between Worlds
    • Tri Force Heroes
    • Spirit Tracks
    • skyward sword
    • Phantom Hourglass
    • Wind Waker
    • Four Swords
    • Majora's Mask

    If you're just talking about overall message and sub plots Majora's Mask for sure. It's dark, but the message is incredibly positive. Just as OOT reflects a world without man (Link) redeemed by man, Majora's Mask reflects a world without woman(Zelda). It leaves a message that neither work, and it's despite how dark it is, the game ends more happily than most Zeldas do. The game is a masterpiece and holds a very powerful meaning, that should leave you happy, and optimistic.

    Wind Waker is gonna be your next best bet, if your looking for something that doesn't get dark often. With plenty of comedy, and fun to be had. The game encapsulates what it feels like to be a kid exploring the world for the first time. Light and simple. Without a care in the world.

    Next is Minish Cap. This game rarely takes anything super seriously. It's easy to play, doesn't take long, and fun. Mostly silly jokes and oddity throughout.

    Obviously Tri-Force heroes exists if you have two friends willing to play. The games plot is so dorky, and positive. The gameplay is fun too. u/CrappyWaiter

    Majora's mask really does have a lot of positive or optimistic themes. I was going to say that they're beneath the surface, but I don't even think that's really true. The game has a lot of sad moments, kind of a gloomy atmosphere, and a lot of horror elements, but positive messages are constantly being handed to the player. Even the Happy Mask Salesman, for all of his weird and freaky qualities, will speak reassuring words to the player pretty much anytime you speak to him.

    It's a very bitter sweet game, with emphasis both on endings and new beginnings, but there's a lot of heartwarming stuff mixed in there u/thehappymasquerader

    There's no such thing as spoilers btw, don't worry about spoilers

    A Link to the Past

    It has a happy ending but I wouldn't call the game as a whole lighthearted... watching your uncle die at the start, whether or not he gets revived, is still pretty dark for Zelda (I believe it's actually one of the only non-villain onscreen deaths in the series). Plus you kill a shit ton of soldiers throughout the game who are only possessed. u/Hello_boyos

    Minish Cap

    Minish Cap? Really? Don't get me wrong, the gameplay feels pretty jovial with the upbeat music and colorful world, but the topic is story and Minish Cap's story is pretty intense, Vaati's a lot more involved in the story than most other Zelda villains and he's pretty much always got the upper hand. The stakes in MC are Zelda as well, more so in MC than in almost any other Zelda game as they went out of the way to kinda flesh her out at the beginning during your trip up to Hyrule Castle. She can actually die at the end. u/Joquendo95

    Which of the options and all zeldas overall comes nearest/closest to being the most positive light-hearted story?

    From https://www.reddit.com/r/truezelda/comments/hgxgh8/which_zelda_to_the_best_of_your_skill_has_the/

    Also another question, which zeldas has the most positive ending?

    Please put your answers in separate comment/replies so that people can vote on them

    Recommendations of positive light-hearted stories outside of zeldaland would be great also

    submitted by /u/BestTacticsGame2040
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    [OoT] In Ocarina of Time, did you do the Spirit or the Shadow temple first? Which temple do you think should be first narrative-wise?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    [ALL] What Zelda game is good to play on my phone if I'm in the mood for OoT but not exactly OoT? Which is most similar?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    Anyway to play twilight princess or skyward sword?

    submitted by /u/Personplacething333
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    [BoTW] Replaying BoTW/DLC?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm one of the weird people that still hasn't beat BoTW. I've put maybe 150 hours into it and I still haven't even explored the whole map yet lol. I've kinda been taking my time (obviously) and usually only play it a few times a month, but I am getting close to finally just going after Ganon.

    Anyways I'm wondering, is it worth replaying with the DLC? I'm not entirely sure if I want to go through the whole pre-Master Sword phase (and do Eventide Island again) at a higher difficulty, but I do want to spend more time in the world.

    Anyways, what's ya'lls thoughts on replayability?

    submitted by /u/justacatdontmindme
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    [ALTTP] A lonk to the past! Does it deserve a remake?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    Love this game! I think it might be the first game I ever played. I played it so often with my father who originally owned the game and system, and let me play as a kid. I'll always regret deleting his save files on accident as a kid. Of course he didn't care, but I did. Ever since the links awakening remake I've been wondering what a link to the past remake/remaster would look like. I'm a bit bias because I have a nostalgia boner for this game, but regardless, id love to see this game be worked on again. I know Albtw exists, however I can't help but see it as more as a sequel than a remake. I also recognize that the game holds up to this day, the sprite work and animations are arguably the best of 2D Zelda. But I feel like it just doesn't get the treatment it deserves, being such an iconic game in the series. So much was introduced in this game, most of which can be seen reflected in other zelda games to this day. Personally I'd love a zelda 3 remake. The only thing that worries me is that it would be impossible to improve on the original. Never the less, I would love to see this game come back, no matter the form it takes.

    What's everyone else's opinion on this? If you haven't played, you should probably stop what you're doing and go play it now.

    submitted by /u/RandomGuyNeedingHelp
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    [ALL] Top Choices for Remake and Remaster

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    So I have always been a Zelda fan. My first one was OoT which I played on the collectors edition which came with my GameCube. My first Zelda I got new was Wind Waker which I absolutely loved. All of that said however there are some of them that have not aged well if not in design in graphics and some general quality of life points. Luckily Nintendo has shown that they are willing to give older games new life with the LA remake and the Wind Waker remaster for Wii U. So here is my question which game would you like to see get a quick remake to the level of the LA remake where the story and dungeon design is basically identical but rebuilt from the ground up. Second which game would you want to see a remaster of in the vein of WWHD. Some minor graphical updates and quality of life changes released for the newest system? Pick one of each and explain why.

    submitted by /u/Tom_Bombadil_Ret
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    [oc] quick question for y’all

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 03:18 PM PDT

     I've been wanting to post some art in this sub, but I'm not sure what to make. So imma let you guys choose lol. I can't choose between creepy majoras mask painting, wolf link painting, sheik painting, or a Sidon painting. Whatever gets the most comments I'll do :> and if you'd like to see my other art, feel free to go to my profile for examples! 
    submitted by /u/Alex_Midray
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    [LAHD] How does Link's Awakening compare to BOTW and other switch games?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    I am currently shopping for a new game but the only Zelda game I have played is BOTW,. I also enjoy Animal Crossing and Pokemon Sword if that helps.

    submitted by /u/Niknut_Sings
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    [WW] wheres the best place for me to find copies of Wind Waker on Game cube for Cheap?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Just got a gamecube and want to get wind waker, but every place i check its 60-80 dollars. Anyone know where I can find a copy for less than $50?

    submitted by /u/Trent_Wike_Ghost
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    [ALL] Who is Link’s lover?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    If Link does fall in love with any of the female characters, who do you realistically think has the best chance to make their romance relationship genuine and real?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Tayirman
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