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    Monday, November 9, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Self-Post Sundays are our main discussion day. On those days we only allow text posts directly about the games themselves.

    This means no images, videos, etc. If you want more discussion of all things Zelda we suggest subscribing to /r/TrueZelda where every day it's text only.

    Want more Zelda today?

    How about you join our Official Partnered Discord here or visit one of these Zelda related subs to post your non-text only content.

    submitted by /u/ZeldaMod
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    [OC] Thought you fine people would appreciate this amazing print!!!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:46 AM PST

    [BoTW] He thought he was safe under the trees.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:18 AM PST

    [ALBW] A Link Between Worlds is the perfect entry-level Zelda game

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:18 AM PST

    A Link Between Worlds is the perfect entry-level Zelda game.

    The first reason is it introduces new players to the classic Zelda formula. It is a game about Ganon, Link, Zelda, and the Triforce. ALBW clearly illustrates the connection between the characters and the Triforce, as well as the existence of Sages. The dungeons are in the top-down 2D style, but have 3D interaction. There is one major set of collectibles (Maiamias) and you can find things in cut bushes/pots/grass. The game isn't crazy rich with lore and because of this is it easy to apply new knowledge. It starts you out with the basics of plot and the basic geography of Hyrule.

    The second reason is it's simple and provides a good challenge. It's not the hardest Zelda or the easiest Zelda, it's a good in between. ALBW doesn't offend people with it's main gimmick- wall merging is cool and the existence of Lorule is a fun addition. It's easy to pick up too.

    The third reason is ALBW's accessibility. It is a good-looking Nintendo Select game on the 3DS. It isn't hard to find a 3DS and a $20 game won't break your bank. Inexperienced/new players can easily pick it up. This was my first game and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    A Link Between Works does have some flaws, though. I was shocked be the transition from the option to do the last eight dungeons in any order into a strict, defined path (except for BoTW). I was also accustomed to the self-replenishing energy bar and found the magic meter and limited bombs/arrows rigid and stressful. The couco rush is infuriating. Koroks, Kokiri, Gorons, Gerudo, Sheikah, Sea Zora, and Rito are absent from ALBW. It was fun learning about these new races/tribes later, but I felt that I was missing out for a long time. Even though A Link Between Worlds is flawed, because of these reasons, it is the perfect entry-level Zelda game. Also, first time posting!

    Edit: To clarify, the "flaws" are just ways that ALBW isn't an entry level game

    submitted by /u/MrPavoPeacock
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    [WW] My attempt of the Wind Waker Theme on Tin Whistle. I included tabs if you wanna try!! ����⛵��⚔️

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:26 AM PST

    [TP][OC] The Twilight Princess

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:17 AM PST

    [BOTW] Vah Rudania I was about ready to give up.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:40 AM PST

    I was about ready to come on here and ask if Calamity Ganon could be beat without Vah Rudania. I mean I'm bad enough finding my way around places. There's no way they could expect me to find my way to everyone of these terminals in the dark. But then I hit the map, and the ceilings opened up and there was light. Never felt such a sense of relief playing a video game. They didn't seriously expect me to beat the whole thing stumbling around in the dark with only torchlight at best to guide me.

    submitted by /u/Air-Connect
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    [LoZ] [BoTW] [LA] [TP] [SS] Botw is almost exactly what a Zelda game should be.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:23 PM PST

    I know a lot of people that will say "Botw isn't a true Zelda game".

    I haven't played all of them I started with the OG, then botw, then links awakening. I have recently started Twilight Princess and Skyward sword.

    The OG has a sense of adventure, and while having a set path allows for a little bit of... going and doing your own thing. You benefit from exploring, whether it's finding a new merchant, or sword, or another dungeon. I found links awakening to be similar. They do have a set order of dungeons, but aren't as confining as TP or SS.

    Botw is similar to that, however is much more free. I honestly feel like it's too free. The elder scrolls games are excellent open world RPGs, but even they have a more rigid structure to them. You can't just go fight the final boss after leaving the tutorial, but you still can put off the main quest and find better weapons abilities etc.

    In essence, the OG is an open world game, and we forget that. I feel like most Zelda games restrict the feeling of adventure that the first one had. Botw is far less rigid, which is a benefit and a curse. While I do respect the opinion of people that like the more rigid progression system, I just feel like people need to stop thinking of Botw as not being a "true" Zelda game.

    This is my opinion, and I'd like to hear what you think!

    submitted by /u/CrayonMuncher123
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    [LA] unpopular? soundtrack opinion

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:21 PM PST

    this may be an unpopular decision, but i personally think this soundtrack is one of the best. sure, other games may have specific songs that are better than the ones in links awakening, but i think over all, this game has truly spectacular music (i especially think these songs perfectly fit the vibe of the game)


    submitted by /u/salti-bread
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    [OC] Decided to make myself a Zelda themed resin coaster! Hope you all like the design ����

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:38 AM PST

    [BOTW] if you happen to get a blood moon while on the upper levels of Hyrule Castle’s exterior, it gives off a sort of solar eclipse effect.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:28 AM PST

    [ALL] Is there a reason Link is always short?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:35 PM PST

    Link is regularly referred to as being short in multiple games and I'm wondering if there's a reason the developers decided to make him short. It might just be a totally random detail, but normally there's a historic or technical reason for these things like a sprite size limit or something.

    submitted by /u/Fidodo
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    [ALL] Why is link the only one that uses fairies?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:56 PM PST

    Many many people have died in the zelda franchise, yet the only one we ever see use fairies to come back is link. Why? Why has no one else figured that out and tried to take advantage of it? Or have they and I just don't know?

    submitted by /u/Glossyplane542
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    [CoH] Is Symphony of the Mask this hard throughout?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 05:26 PM PST

    Seriously, I can't even get past the first dungeon! I keep dying over and over and I'm not having any fun. And I beat the base game, so it's not like I'm new to this. Does it get more manageable? I want to play through the whole story, because the thought of having wasted money on this is making me angry, but I'm not sure I can.

    submitted by /u/ImNotShigeruMiyamoto
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    [MM] You've met with a terrible fate, have you?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 08:37 PM PST


    It took him 13.8 months to make that!

    submitted by /u/2020_Exe
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    [SS] hardest silent realm

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:53 AM PST

    [BoTW] Which domain did you go to first?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:21 PM PST

    [Botw] is the wild armour worth going for

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:33 PM PST

    [BoTW2] BoTW2 is going to use linking 'portal' mechanics to the underground world as seen in previous games.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 02:42 PM PST

    So I tore apart the BOTW2 trailer... again. However, my concentration had been on the Ganon scene in the past so I didn't find anything but the obvious. This time I took everything frame by frame and when I did that, I start to realize that a lot of the cut overs where actually different locations which led me to believe the new world content is most likely going to be underground. To some, this may be a 'tell me something new', so here goes.... I hope..... I think the entrances to this new world will be limited such as we see in ALBW with the fissures and LttP with the warps. The first location I think can makes sense would be that wall behind the Kah Yah shrine (A fragmented monument quest) as there is clearly a wall (possibly door) that will open up with the Zonai text. The second, and more interesting to me at least, will be at the Spring of Courage.... During the trailer, we get a split second snapshot of a temple entrance and when you take a closer look, there are three similarities to be seen in this image and the Spring of Courage. First, The walls itself resemble the walls embedded in the area of where you find the spring. Second, in the image, those look like the dragon claws you find at the spring but closed and reversed. And third, in the spring, you find the large stone dragon head and a stone mane above the spring, if you take a closer look at the dragon's mane, you will find embedded spiral markings which are identical to what you will find on the top of the two pillars outlining the entrance to the temple. I know there a crap ton of spirals, but these looked uncannily similar. So that is about it, I did some digging and that is what I found, I am going to keep digging to verify some further suspicions and previous mentioned items, but I really want to know what all your thoughts are on it.

    submitted by /u/The_Crimson_Ginger
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    [OoT] Is it possible to complete the Fire Temple as a child glitchless?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:04 PM PST

    Context: I'm playing OoT Randomized and despite putting the settings to "Glitchless" it threw the Fire Temple into the bottom of the well. That said, am I boned? I have a good variety of items, but as far as I'm aware only the hammer can damage Volvagia and I have no intention of learning glitches or tweaks to force equip it as a child. If it's not possible, I'll get over it and make a new seed, but I wanted to make sure first.

    I checked the rules for posting and I'm not sure if this counts as breaking any or not. If it does, my apologies.

    submitted by /u/DanteBeleren
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    [LoZ] Greetings /r/Zelda!! I've been hard at work on a Customized Legend of Zelda Animation and I'd love to hear your thoughts on Progress so far.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:04 PM PST

    Please note that the Screenshot above ISN'T indicative of what's being made... Reddit took the first Capture as the Marquee Image. Keep reading for more insight as there's so much to be seen.

    With that said, thanks for dipping in to check this out. The past Five Months have been very busy with all of this.

    Considering just how big and passionate this Subreddit is, I thought it would be a great starting point to hear thoughts and opinions on my latest Project: Reimagining the Original NES Legend of Zelda but with updated Sprite Styles from Link's Awakening DX GBC Release along with slight Design Liberties in Dungeons that harken to a wealth of Sprite Based Zelda Games, including Minish Cap, Oracle of Ages/Seasons and SNES' Link to the Past. That includes a smattering of Lore inclusions (visually) and tons of Easter Eggs as you'll see below.

    I'd like to add that I create and release Animations regularly, albeit slowly seeing how I'm more or less a one man Team. But all of my other Work is not the focus here; I want to share Awesome Zelda Content.

    The original Idea that started all of this was what if the Original NES Version was properly updated?? while sticking to original Sprite Dimensions. If you look at other attempts, they were all awesome but took Game Boy framing into account. Here, it's the opposite: You've got a NES Styled Overworld but with updated Seasons/DX Assets, right down to precise Placement of Assets, utilizing NES framing. I did a majority of the Overworld that outlines Link's plotted Adventure Path.

    Here's the Original Desert

    And here's the Updated Version. Note the Hieroglyphics and overall "Temple" vibe.

    Next up is the Fairy Fountain

    And now the Updated Version.

    Note that A: Link is a mere Placeholder at this point and B: The Lifebars are there mainly for Framing Purposes. I have to update them accordingly.

    Next up is the Dungeon. Note that there are two Levels (think of it as Floor 01 and 02) but I'm only going to share Level 02. 01 is complete but will remain under wraps until release. Note that Lifebars aren't included here as these are all recent (the Overworld shots above were completed back in late June).

    Here's a Pathway that leads to a Crypt.

    Here's the immediate Room to it's Right. Note the Yiga Eye.. lore is important here.

    Here's an Entryway. Note the Water and Transparencies: The Chests appear submerged.

    Lastly, here's one of the final Rooms. Think of it as a Tomb Entry of sorts. The hardest part with this was making the Floor Stones appear just right so that they don't appear to look like a easily created Mural of sorts.

    More Design liberties were taken Dungeon wise, but Framing and Aesthetics were heavily considered. Each "screen" acts as it would on the NES, so no scrolling unless if Link moves to a new Screen or if there's a Plot/Point of Interest Reveal.

    Progress wise, all that finally remains is a few Dungeon Rooms and then Cherry Picked Sprite updates/inclusions before exporting every single Asset (now in the 400+ range) to After Effects for Animating.

    Lastly, I'd like to admit that the whole gist of what I'm sharing is the tip of the Iceberg. There's going to be some... interesting inclusions that will surely impress when I finally share the finished Animation.

    And thanks for checking this out!! Trust me when I say I learned a LOT about Zelda and it's fantastic Lore while working on all of this. It's a pleasure to be posting here and I look forward to hearing from the Community!!


    submitted by /u/SA1K0R0
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