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    Monday, December 21, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Self-Post Sundays are our main discussion day. On those days we only allow text posts directly about the games themselves.

    This means no images, videos, etc. If you want more discussion of all things Zelda we suggest subscribing to /r/TrueZelda where every day it's text only.

    Want more Zelda today?

    How about you join our Official Partnered Discord here or visit one of these Zelda related subs to post your non-text only content.

    submitted by /u/ZeldaMod
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    [ALL] Never played a Zelda game ever before.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Before you go on, I'm not going to ask the usual question of "Where do I start?". I've done some research. What I want is to show you what I have in mind and tell me if you have any notes or if I should change anything.

    Firstly I wanted to play games in release order like I usually do with video game series. After becoming somewhat familiar with most of the games, I went on to see what I'm interested in. I then realized that there were different versions on different systems, so I had to see which ones to play. This is probably what I'm going to play out of the Zelda games. Note that I'm mostly interested in the 3D Zeldas. Tell me if I should play other games or a different version of a certain game.

    1. Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) - One of the most praised games of all time. No talk needed.
    2. Majora's Mask 3D (3DS) - I really love the dark tone. The mask looks so interesting!
    3. The Wind Waker HD (Wii U) - Beautiful artstyle. Still hold up pretty well after all these years and a must play from what I've heard.
    4. Twilight Princess HD (Wii U) - Whenever I imagine Link. I imagine him in this look. I really dig the mature design.
    5. Skyward Sword (Wii) - I want to have my own opinion on the motion controls. Also heard good talk about this game. Let's use my Wii before it's too late.
    6. Breath of The Wild (Wii U) - Yeah I think I don't have to say anything about this wonderful game.

    (For the 3DS games, I chose them because they look farly superior than the original in terms of graphics in my opinion (I did notice the change of atmosphere in [MM], but the graphics just look too good honestly). Also I should mention that I'm going to play them upscaled on an Emulator, because I want those 2 highly praised games to look as best as possible.)

    I'm really excited to start this series that I've heard about for so long, but never got a chance to play it. I'm really excited about all of them, but if I had to pick my most, it will probably be between Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask.

    Sorry for the long post, but any notes\info I should know would be really appreciated :)

    And please no spoilers 🌚💔

    submitted by /u/FireStarJutsu
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    [WW] Is it just me of can anyone else hear this image?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:47 AM PST

    [BoTW] Should I buy Breath of the wild? I have never played a Zelda game.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    So I am owning the nintendo switch now for some years, but I never bought this game. Sinply because I never played any Zelda game in the past so I went for the games I knew.

    Now I heard a sequel is comming next year and I was really thinking of getting breath of the wild. But I don't know if I should do it.

    I simply so not know what to expect from this game and I avoid most youtube videos because of the spoilers.

    I want to try it, I never played any zelda game. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Hoppip94
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    [OTHER] It's amazing Already got compliments on my zelda coffee cup

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:46 AM PST

    [MM] does anyone else find this game to be super hard?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:25 AM PST

    I played it as a kid, and recently revisited it. I feel like it gives you very little instruction as to where to go after getting your ocarina back.

    submitted by /u/konohakagurelmao
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    [ALBW] [OC] Scene from my fan story, in which Ravio’s descendant proves to Yuga that he’s not only more sarcastic than his ancestor, but, just as crafty!

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:44 AM PST

    [OTHER] I badged my car with a Zelda theme. The vinyl even says "veloster steed of champions" in the BotW language!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 08:14 PM PST

    My custom Zelda badging and some other car badges I have made. I can't wait for botw 2!!!

    submitted by /u/Gunnilinux
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    [BOTW] Which Calamity Ganon design do you like better? BOTW or AoC?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 01:14 PM PST

    Just something I was curious about. Not talking about the giant pig design swirling outside hyrule castle since both use that design at one point. Mainly want to hear about the forms you fight inside the castle.

    Me personally, I'd probably go with AoC mainly because the design of the BOTW version seems a bit cluttered in my opinion.

    What about the rest of you?

    submitted by /u/MasterOfChaos72
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    [AOC] what was your thoughts on age of calamity. SPOILER WARNING ⚠️

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 11:24 PM PST

    So I have quite a lot to say on this so I will put it in built points to make it easier to read 😁

    Pros • the combat was pretty solid for a warriors game and added some diversity with the rods and sheikah slate

    • the sounds and music were fantastic

    • the cutscenes were amazing and added lots more back story and character development to the champions and other characters which is great

    • appreciated the new design of calamity ganon

    • most of the new characters were super interesting

    • the amount of bosses

    • the diversity of each characters playing style. They really took time making every character unique

    • the controls are really solid apart from one detail which I will mention later

    • the battlefields were super accurate to BOTW map and I rllly likes seeing what hyrule looked like before the calamity

    • the new divine beast sections were great addition the split up the sometimes repetitive warriors style gameplay

    • the AI was kinda meh however the lynals like botw were amazing fights

    • the game looked pretty decent and was really accurate to the botw style

    • The first half of the story was really good and the second half... was good from a fan fiction, la la happy land sort of view I guess

    • the map which you select levels with is rlly well done

    • I really liked the shops, stables, black smith etc the map

    • the fact that the game tried to be as authentic as possible to botw is fantastic. I mean the map was great, the menu, flurry, Blocking guardian lasers, Sheikah slate,inventory etc

    • the cooking mechanic was unique and interesting

    • sooga was a great character who I thought was more interesting than Astor himself

    •the sheer number of characters. I mean u have expected picks like link, Zelda, the champions etc however characters like hestu and the Great fairy's I mean who was expecting that!

    • the fact that link has a massive selection of weapons and cloths like botw. Link can equip almost everything he could in botw it's mad

    • I love the update to the blights!
    they look way cooler however the only problem is the point of the blights was they were meant to look like and in some people's eyes are the corrupted versions of said champions. They changed that fire blight has a massive sword like Daruk and has a lot of spiky hair like him. Electric blight has a sword and shield And uses electric based attacks like urbosa. Water blight has a spear and is really skinny like mipha. Wind blight can fly and Uses wind to fight.

    Even though that side of it is gone I think the updates are fantastic

    • the fact that the yiga clan was looked at in way more detail giving us a better understanding and love of that faction

    • most importantly MY BOY REVALI IS BACK MF

    Cons • the game gets really repetitive in the end game

    •a lot of the bosses and Enemies are just harder versions of each other take the lynal for example Their is red,blue,white main,silver,electric,fire,ice and malice. Yes ik they get different a few different attacks but my god do u really need 8 types 🙄

    •The missions get super super repetitive except for the story ones

    • rudania felt super clunky and the fact he didn't have a shield instead having to stop and wait for 10 seconds so he could catch projectiles was boring and tedious. This completely slowed the pace and momentum of running around destroying everything in your path like it was with the other divines

    • the controls are great except for that stupid wall jump thing omfg the amount of times I get hit because my character jumps when I dash away is unreal. Literally why did they add that not once did I want to be in the air like that

    • the camera is super bad when u are in a small room,corridor etc. The camera instead of going through the wall goes behind your character so you can't see which means you get hit.

    •the frame rate sucks. It's bearable if you are one player but my god when u are playing split screen it's like trying to play this game on the An Atari 😂. When I first got the game I played it with one of my mates but it was soooooo bad because the frame rate was insanely annoying. The worst it ever got was when I was playing urbosa and you use your ult. holly f ing sht the game drops to like 1 frame a second. The game can't handle all the lightning so it gets to point when it almost freezes.

    • the allied ai is pointless and adds nothing to the game. The soldiers do no damage and the other characters which you are not playing do nothing at all ether. Sometimes It really feels that you are the only person on your team which it shouldn't because it's massive battles

    • the end game grind is so bad like wow. This will take a lot of explanation so here goes It's boring.....

    Ok the real reason 😁 •The 'missions' where you have to gather gather resources to help people. Get new combos etc are super boring because you end up grinding the missions you have already done to get the stuff you need • the korok grind sucks IMO because it makes you play the whole story TWICE to get them all which is a massive drag tbh I haven't even done that yet I'm like 99% percent done with the game all I need to do is get the korok seeds. • the actual side missions are ok tbh but they do get a bit stale after a while but they are generally fine and some of them build on the characters even more which is great

    My point is all of it is pretty boring however to make it better they could have done adventure maps like the first hyrule warriors because they were way more fun and engaging than this end game. Hopefully dlc 🤞

    • the fact the sooga, Astor and harbinger gannon are not playable. I think this is a wasted opportunity as it could have been done where u play Both sides so you play as the bad guys and actually win. Again hopefully dlc🤞

    • the story was too short. It only takes like 10 hours to beat it😩 they could have made it longer but they didn't. Major missed opportunity


    Right ok the whole idea with terrako going back in time is dum in the first place because Nintendo never gets time travel right and it will f with the lore and timeline like it did because it splits the timeline again 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄😩😩😩 Tbh I quite like Terrako and I really like how it plays a remake of Zelda lullaby's but the time travel stuff is so unbelievably game killing it feels like the entire second hand of the story is complete fan services. seriously you sit there after gannon strikes and you think this is it the part where it all falls apart but then. Nooooooooopppppppeee teriko just wizzes in the homies from Zelda botw like my boy Sidon and completely butchers everything. I mean if Terrako could do that the why not bring In 50 links or anyone from any Zelda ever. Instead he brings in the home boy Sidon, bad man teba, an expert Sand seal racer and a useless sack of sht

    It just feels like age of calamity's story was changed to not upset the fans and it feels like a really good fan made game not an actual Zelda spin off.
    I was really looking forward to age of calamity because I wanted to see what the world was like before and the tragic downfall and defeat. I mean botw was such a brave game to have made a game that basically said the good guys all died, you all failed, it was for nothing. This is super cool and unique and instantly grabs your attention because you wanna find out what happened but the devs throws it all away and says let's kill the time line again and make a la la happy ending game where everyone survives and it all ends well. I mean boring like it's putting me to sleep because it's so unoriginal.

    I bought the game like a lot of others did as well because we wanted a prequel of botw to see what happened and we didn't get that we got some alternate time line where everything works out and it's a complete waste time to play.

    I did think the story was fun and I liked playing as my big man Sidon but for a lore side of things it was a reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaallllyyyy pore choice to make IMO

    Summary overall I liked age of calamity I thought it was a fun game which made the warriors game style more interesting and unique with the botw style and gameplay however the story was a major let down and the end game was really boring. Overall I give Hyule warriors AOC a 7/10

    Thx for listening to me ramble on about my opinion on this game . Ik it's super long and boring but I appreciate you reading it all.

    Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

    Thx for reading and have a great day 👋🤘😁

    submitted by /u/NteryourCoffin
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    [OoT] For any muslims here, have you heard the original fire temple from the OoT soundtrack, and if so, what did you think of the chants?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:20 PM PST

    [Oot] Shadow temple rant and moving forward.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:32 AM PST

    I really hated the shadow temple. I didn't like the lens mechanic cause I would run out of magic sometimes. I also found the boots annoying cause I sometimes forgot to put them on and then I would fall and when you respawn again your put back to the hallway with a bunch of skulltulas. I don't really mind the puzzles but I thought the one where you jump into the hidden wall in the fan room was a bit cheap even when you have the lens it didn't occur to me to use it there. And the boss I found a bit difficult but he was mostly OK. But the bit I hate the most about this dungeon is when you die you get sent ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE BEGINNING. I can't even remember how many times I had to run through the dungeon just to go back to the room I was in. And yeah you can use warp points but I didn't really have magic and it despawned one time for some reason. I really don't like this temple just how long it is.

    So I hope the next temple is better I heard its good. I believe it's the spirit temple but idk.

    submitted by /u/Drycat197
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    [SS] Groose appreciation thread

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:09 AM PST

    Groose! One of the best boi of Skyward Sword. His character development was simply the best! He started out as an insecure bully surrounded by a jealous boy Cawlin. As Zelda gets kidnapped, his weak spot comes to light as his fear comes true, i.e being separated from Zelda. But.... He tries to save a Zelda, due to his deep love and then broken once again when he learns that he's not the chosen one and thus cannot help Zelda. Wait...he can't help? Groose gives an epic comeback with his GROOSINATOR! A weapon that played a vital role in defeating Imprisoned. And in the end he's no longer romantically attached to Zelda since he realizes they aren't meant to be :( I heavily relate to Groose since I've been in a similar situation. So, what're your thoughts about Groose?

    submitted by /u/Ducati_Don
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    [OoT] Does Malon have a crush on Link?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 12:03 AM PST

    The way she calls Link "fairy boy" always made me think that she has a crush on him.

    submitted by /u/AncientBodybuilder
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    [SS] Is it just me, or does Scrapper's theme sound like the Thomas the Tank Engine theme?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 01:46 PM PST

    [AoC] How a true prequel story could have been handled in Age of Calamity, and why it would still have been a happy ending

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:30 AM PST

    So I don't think it's any secret that the story of Age of Calamity has been quite divisive. One thing I've seen a lot though, is people being dismissive of the original story, insisting that it wouldn't have made for fun gameplay. "So you wanted to play a game where everyone dies and then the credits roll? Where's the fun in that?!" etc.

    I find this to be incredibly reductive.

    It's worth noting that the original canon ending of the calamity isn't a completely sad and depressing ending, it's a bittersweet and hopeful ending. Here's an example of how the ending could've gone:

    • After Link collapses, there's a mission that involves escorting his body to the Shrine of Resurrection with Purah and possibly Impa, while there's another mission where Zelda heads to the forest to lay down the Master Sword, before heading to the castle to face Ganon alone.

    • The final mission, where Zelda heads for the castle alone to meet her fate, ends with a climactic battle on the bridge outside the sanctum against swirling dark energy pig Ganon. By the way, this track plays during the fight - I've always felt it would be perfect for this. In the end the battle is won and she succeeds in partially sealing Ganon to contain him within the sanctum, even if it's not a complete and total annihilation of him.

    • Fort Hateno is saved! Link's final stand and Zelda's awakening have successfully halted the guardian advance to Hateno Village. The surviving soldiers rejoice and celebrate, head home, mourn the dead, and begin to rebuild their lives.

    • Having witnessed her deeds and bravery during the calamity, the people of Kakariko Village choose to appoint Impa as their leader.

    • Robbie and Purah part ways, to set up labs in relatively safe remote corners of the world. Great time for some comic relief as Robbie reveals he's planning on continuing to research and develop anti-guardian weapons. We see plans plastered all over the wall of his new lab for Cheri, ancient arrows and weapons, etc.

    • During the final battle, Zelda ascends into some kind of avatar of Goddess Hylia made of pure light and effectively no longer has a physical body for now - explaining her lack of aging in the intervening 100 years. She vows to continue to hold back Ganon until Link's return. To her surprise, she finds that in her newfound form she has gained a limited ability to telepathically communicate with others from afar.

    • In a final happy moment, Zelda is able to communicate with the spirit of her father. King Rhoam's spirit sets up on the Great Plateau, where he reveals his plans. He looks out over the horizon, towards the castle. He lets Zelda know that he's proud of her, and that he regrets being so harsh on her. "Do not worry about me, my daughter. You have done all you can, and you fought bravely. I will stay here and await the return of our champion. If what Purah says is true, it is likely he will be without his memories, and will need a guide upon his awakening. For all we have lost, a glimmer of hope yet remains for Hyrule."

    • The game ends with the screen fading to black for a moment, followed by "Open your eyes" and the credits roll.

    The tragic ending can also be a happy ending, and ultimately I would have much preferred it. The game is still cool as it is, though, and I do like it - I just can't help but feel that it could've been so much more.

    submitted by /u/flameylamey
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    [ALL]How many Legend of Zelda games have you played?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:10 AM PST

    [BoTW] Breath of the Metal Gear

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 01:19 AM PST

    [BoTW2] New Botw 2 Zonai Spirit Theory

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 09:13 PM PST

    I know this is a topic thats already 1 and 1/2 years old and thats been very thoroughly discussed before but this is a theory I've only really seen certain aspects touched on lightly in videos and stuff and its something I've been thinking of for quite a while. Its quite a lot of speculation but I think its really fun to think about and I've even thought of a couple possible gameplay elements too.

    I'm not exactly sure how to begin, but I guess a good place to start is the nearly identical coloring of the "Zonai Hand", the luminous stones, most notably in the botw 2 trailer itself, and the spirit flames and such of the ghosts of the king and the others in the first game. Since we already know that the glow of the stones is probably connected to the souls of the dead and since the spirits are of course spirits this implies that the Zonai Hand is at least related to some sort of spirit energy, or maybe magic.

    This is where the theory weakens somewhat and the speculation comes in. It seems pretty clear that the hand is some sort of sealing magic cast on Ganondorf. And from the surrounding Zonai architecture found inside what is probably a sort of cave system leading up to Ganondorf's chamber as well as the Zonai jewelry found on the hand itself, although never explicitly verified as Zonai but we can assume so from context, we can presume that the hand itself is probably some form of spirit or spirit related magic or spell. The idea I came up with explains the vast amounts of stones and hand energy as well as the seemingly sudden disappearance of the Zonai civilization: that the whole people, or maybe all but 1 or 2 to cast the spell, sacrificed themselves to build up enough spirit energy to seal Ganondorf for quite the extended period of time. This would mean that the hand would be like a culmination of all the souls of the Zonai working together to hold back Ganondorf. Then, as the spell weakened or consumed more energy, Ganondorf was able to build up and release enough malice to create a few Calamities while the spirit energy of the Zonai leaked into the connected caves creating the very numerous luminous stones we see in the trailer at the same time.

    I also have an idea of what sort of role the Zonai hand could play in the game. I think that the hand could serve as a sort of guide for Link the same way other guides have in past games like Navi or Midna. However, I can certainly see this not being the case from a more game dev standpoint since the Zelda team went for a more hands off, diy experience for players in the first Botw. The idea for a hand guide I had saw the hand as mostly being like a sort of echoey voice that the hundreds or thousands of Zonai have meshed together to have and could maybe even have a sort of avatar like a green glowing combination of a bunch of people with no exact appearance were it to project a sort of larger scale representation of itself not too dissimilar from maybe Fi and Ghirahim. It would also probably serve 1 or 2 more purposes probably related to Zonai magic, but I just wanted to focus on the guide part.

    I'm sure there are plenty of holes or flaws in this theory and I probably didn't explain it very well but I really just wanted to put it out there and talk about it. I'd love to see any expansions on the theory or any criticism you guys have so feel more than free to comment. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Hydralic7
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