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    Monday, December 28, 2020

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    The Legend of Zelda | Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Today is Self-Post Sunday. Only self-posts are allowed to encourage discussion of the games themselves.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Self-Post Sundays are our main discussion day. On those days we only allow text posts directly about the games themselves.

    This means no images, videos, etc. If you want more discussion of all things Zelda we suggest subscribing to /r/TrueZelda where every day it's text only.

    Want more Zelda today?

    How about you join our Official Partnered Discord here or visit one of these Zelda related subs to post your non-text only content.

    submitted by /u/ZeldaMod
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    [TH] Shout out to two friends

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:20 PM PST

    Out of pure curiosity, I got out Triforce Heroes last night after years of not playing and expected an empty lobby for online play. It did take a little while but two friends joined and we completed a few levels together. Triforce Heroes was fun little game dependent on teamwork. If you happened to play last night with a Link in a sword suit, thank you for a great time.

    submitted by /u/mganzeveld
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    [OoT] I may not be a Zora Princess, but I love my engagement ring

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:50 AM PST

    [Oot] Young Link playing Ocarina.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 01:38 AM PST

    [ALL] what do you guys think will happen for zelda’s 35th anniversary?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 04:05 PM PST

    I think it will be a Zelda all stars collection

    submitted by /u/dildo_Baggins645
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    [ALL] I will be giving away a free nintendo switch + $200 worth of gift cards

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:12 AM PST

    I'm going to be hosting a Zelda themed contest next week (I'm thinking on the 2nd at 7PM EST). The grand prize will be a nintendo switch and I will be giving 5, $40 gift cards. Gift cards to what? Idk maybe I'll just paypal you 40 if that's easier.

    If you guys are interested, I'll make roughly 5 zelda themed clues/riddles and the first person to answer any of the clues correctly wins a gift card. In order to give slower people a chance, you can only win one gift card per person. So if you answer multiple clues correctly, the next person in line who enters the clue correctly will win the next gift card and so forth.

    For the nintendo switch itself, there will be a final hidden puzzle that involves all of the clues. In order to win the switch, you will need to be able to solve all the clues and find the last hidden clue. It will also involve taking a screenshot/picture of your game. I will only be using the base game mode with no DLC. AFAIK you will not need to complete any divine beasts or have beaten the game. Though having shrines to teleport to would give you a good boost if you're clue hunting in game.

    All the clues can be solved by playing BOTW. Completing the divine beasts is not a requirement. All the clues could theoretically be solved without owning BOTW. However, to win the switch you must own a copy of BOTW as it involves taking a picture.

    Yes, I know it's a little redundant to have a switch as a grand prize for a contest that requires a switch to win. I couldn't think of anything better to have as a grand prize.

    An example of a clue would be me describing a NPC/item and having you guys write down the location.

    Only 1 comment per person and anyone caught editing their comments will be disqualified.

    Feel free to give feedback/criticism if you think this would be a good contest idea.

    For the nintendo switch, I am willing to cover the cost of shipping to anywhere in the US but if you're outside of the US, I'd ask for you to cover shipping. I will provide tracking numbers and receipts ofc.

    I think it'd be fun to do this contest but depending on how much interest there is in one, I may or may not go through with it.

    submitted by /u/ShiroTheHero
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    [OTHER] Cool Idea I would Like Too See

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 08:47 PM PST

    What if Morshu from the CDI games comes back for another game. In all seriousness I think that they should add him in whatever game they make next as a shopkeeper for a town or something like that. Or maybe they could make an Easter egg for him or reference him in some way at all. I think it would be a cool little thing to see.

    submitted by /u/TheJackIsBack
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    [OoT] can’t get past mido

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 12:42 PM PST

    I have both the sword and the shield, but he still won't let me through. Am I missing something or is it a glitch? I'm playing on 3Ds, if it helps. Edit: I was looking at the wrong boy

    submitted by /u/neurotic_sentinel
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    [LAHD] I am literally stuck on an island, how do I get off?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:33 AM PST


    I got here with the Pegasus Boots and Roc's Feather, but whenever I try to run and jump back I'm always just a tad bit short. How do I get off of here?

    submitted by /u/DrNuggetYT
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    [BoTW2] My hopes and predictions for Breath of the Wild 2

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:46 PM PST

    I think we're very close to another trailer so I thought I'd share my hopes and predictions for botw2

    -Zelda: My craving of a playable Zelda has already been answered with Age of Calamity so I wouldn't be disappointed if we didn't get to play as her in this game. However, it also would be cool if we can play as her. Maybe you play as her in a specific section or mission. Another idea is Zelda being like an item where you control her for a bit to help Link solve specific puzzles. This would work like the command melody in Wind Waker. Finally, Zelda may just end up being a companion who just follows you. It would be cool seeing Zelda following and interacting with environment around her. Im guessing if Zelda is playable, she'd most likely be fighting with light arrows like in Age of Calamity. Also I'm hoping for more character interactions between Zelda and Link. There's been hints of interactions between them in Botw and Age of Calamity but I think it's not enough if they want to make a truly immersive experience. I'm not saying they should go the Zelink path, just more interactions between them in general.

    -Ganondorf: There have been theories of Ganondorf redeeming himself in this game and turning to the good side. I really like this idea and would be excited if it was actually the case ingame. I don't expect Nintendo to actually do this but it's fun theorizing nonetheless. If Ganondorf joins your side in botw2 then there is a chance that he's playable as well. Ganondorf might also just be playable in specific missions or used as an item just like my Zelda ideas. Another idea I once read is it working as the Sonic Heroes team mechanic where there's 3 people in a team (Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf in this case) and you can change between them instantly and each character has their unique actions and certain puzzles need certain characters to solve. This probably would not work at all if botw2 is open world but I think with some tweaking, it can be decent. I do think though that open world games are best when they don't have multiple playable characters. Anyway, it would be nice seeing Ganondorf go from forcibly being on the hero's team because he has no choice to enjoying the company and becoming a loyal member of the team. If Ganondorf doesn't join the good side, I hope he at least gives us a good fight. I really want him to have Wind Waker's Ganondorf's personality. He's a more calm and wise Ganondorf and has an actual reason to take over Hyrule or whatever his plan is.

    -Flooded Hyrule (https://www.reddit.com/r/Breath_of_the_Wild/comments/730hfn/breath_of_the_wind_flooded_hyrule_concept_map/): I saw a concept art of a flooded botw map once and I think it could work really well for botw2. In my opinion, Wind Waker could've been way better. I think Wind Waker reimagined with current technology can make a really great open world game. Of course, there are the mountains which have been submerged in the water and now resemble islands which can have new towns and caves to explore. Add underwater diving, making a boat creator and upgrade system and we have Wind Waker 2 with Botw mechanics. Maybe when the castle rose up, water came from beneath it and rose up until it flooded Hryule idk.

    -Caves: Caves would really make the world more immersive. Also imagine some Zonai city underground which is lit up by luminous crystals and has impressive architecture with a touch of ancient Shiekah technology. Maybe there's towers that reach up to the ceiling of the cave. The city itself would be abandoned of course. This would actually really work as a dungeon like how Hyrule Castle was in the original Botw.

    -Floating Islands: We see Hyrule Castle rising up at the end of the trailer and that just sounds like such a great idea for the final dungeon. Maybe your goal the entire game is to get the gear that gets you up to the castle or something. Also one floating island isn't enough. I think it'd be cool coming by a floating island and the puzzle is to get up to it and there's some reward at the top. Maybe there are multiple floating islands above the map and you have to solve puzzles on them to get a prize. They could replace shrines. Finally, I would really love to see some sort of sky city. It doesn't need to be inhabited. Maybe it can be Skyloft's ruins or The City in the Sky's ruins. We already got the Forgotten Temple which supposedly was part of Skyloft so yeah. I just want more throwback areas in the game just like how we got that in Botw


    -Darknut: I still have no idea how darknuts didn't make the cut in Hyrule Castle in the original Botw. I always liked the darknut sword fights in Twilight Princess and I feel like they would be even better with Botw's fighting system. I guess they still have a chance of coming in the floating castle or maybe even in the underground ruins idk

    -ReDeads: I just feel like ReDeads would really fit the theme of the Zonai and mummified Ganondorf

    -Sea Enemies: This mostly works for the Flooded Hyrule concept but yeah, there should be things that should be able to stop you while you're sailing your boat. The ones from Wind Waker probably could work


    -Dungeons: I think shrines should stay in the game to some extent just like the floating island idea but I think there should be way less than original Botw and the main focus should be on the main dungeons. I would really like if the main dungeons were like Hyrule Castle from Botw. There should be many ways to tackle them and they should be huge. I also think they should be optional just like the Divine Beasts.

    -Ruins/Dungeon Items (https://www.reddit.com/r/BOTW2/comments/k96zh6/i_decided_to_draw_out_my_item_ideas_for_botw_2/): In the trailer, the sealing hand merges with Links. There are theories that Link actually loses his arm from this or his arm obtains the power of the sealing hand. I think this could be how ruins work in this game. If Link loses his arm then maybe he replaces it with a prosthetic ancient sheikah tech arm which can throw bombs, act as a grappling hook and stuff like that. If Link's arm turns into the sealing arm then the arm itself could also create some sort of Zonai bomb and grappling hook as well ig. There was some fanart I saw illustrating Link using the sealing arm as a bow, to throw bombs, as a heavy weapon and to propel himself into the air so yeah, both ideas could work and they both sound really cool.

    -Make elixirs actually useful and unique from meals
    -A weapon crafting system
    -Better rafting mechanics/Boats
    -More durability on weapons
    That's all I have right now. What are you hopes and predictions for Botw2?

    submitted by /u/Popcornium
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    [ALTTP] What is the best Dark World version/remix out there? Link to youtube/spotify if possible

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:20 PM PST

    [ALL] Which game has the best soundtrack? And which game uses the music best?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:51 PM PST

    A game having the best soundtrack doesn't necessarily mean that it uses the music best. IMO Twilight Princess has the nicest soundtrack, but MM puts it to best use (e.g. the clock tower theme becoming more frantic every day, or the same song just using a different instrumentation per area)

    What's yours?

    submitted by /u/mrmemoir
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    [BOTW] Please help! I recently got BOTW for Christmas and after making it fairly far in, I feel as though I’m very heavily outclassed by all of the enemies I’m facing, so I really need tips as to what to do to become stronger in this state of the game.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 08:51 AM PST

    Right now, I finished the first part of the main quest where I get back my first memory and now I have zora's domain to explore. I'm having trouble defeating enemies there and there are even shrines I'm having trouble defeating because of the enemies. I have gotten around 4 extra heart containers, leveled up sheikah armor, and some extra stamina but I'm really struggling in combat. It also feels as though all melee weapons I get immediately break and I can't find any weapons that I keep for time periods over 10 minutes. Does anyone have any advice? Should I grind ruins and get a lot more health? Are there nice weapons I can somehow get? Something else? Help!

    submitted by /u/SLI_Mini
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    [AoC] Finally finished Age of Calamity, and I have thoughts (review, kinda)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:53 PM PST

    I finally finished Age of Calamity the other night and I have thoughts. First and foremost, did anyone give a rat's ass about the time traveling robot? Like when the little dude sacrifices himself to save Zelda, was I supposed to get emotional? Idk if I'm unique in this, but I gave less thought to him than to Fi. Overall, I'm still a bit miffed that this game wasn't a true prequel but a separate timeline. I think it'd be super cool if we played through the events in the flashbacks in BotW, and like the final level is Zelda rushing to Hyrule Castle to seal away Ganon till Link revives. Oh and how tf am I supposed to beat the taming the lynel mission thing? Recommended level 57 my ass. And finally in my ranty bit, some of the characters they let you play just felt super fanservicey (eg Hestu, fairy fountains).

    Criticisms aside, I did genuinely enjoy the game and will easily get 60 hours worth of play time including the post game. If you're into semi-mindless hack and slashy games, then it is worth your money. Plus if you're into Zelda lore (which I assume you are if you're on this subreddit), all the cutscenes are canon. And for those of you who care, my favorite character to play as is Impa. her DPS is insane.

    submitted by /u/romrelresearcher
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